Sunday, January 22, 2006

Cyclist Accosted by Public Bus Rider

(Click on images to enlarge)

The picture to the right is of an unidentified Tri-met (Portland, OR) rider who went alight of a trimet bus on the Hawthorne Bridge on January 22, 2005 at an unauthorized stop. He proceeded to the front of the bus and and began to push and slug the cyclist in front of the bus. He then got back on the bus and the bus drove off.

The Operator of the Tri-met bus is reported to have died in a boating incident. A Tri-met representative reports that they have opened a file on the incident and are seeking the identity of the assailent. It is reported that the Portland Police are also seeking the identity and where-abouts of the assailent.

The cyclist, Randy Albright, has filed a lawsuit against Tri-met for $48,000 in damages. He claims that the bus operator opened the door to allow the rider to alight the bus,assault the cyclist, then opened the door and allowed the rider back on the bus after the rider had accosted the cyclists. The bus operator, additionally, did not report this incident to authorities, and continued driving the bus off after the cyclist had been injured.

If you have information about the identity of this person, you areencouraged to notify the Portland Police, Tri-Met authorities, and Randy Albright.

For more info, see the following reports, picturs, videos, and analysis:

1 comment:

  1. According to my interpretation of the Oregon Law regarding "Statute Of Limitations" on filing suit with the court, it would be anywher from at least 2 years from the time of the the incident or when injury is discovered up to 10 years, as possibly more. ( source)

    12.110 Actions for certain injuries to person not arising on contract; action for overtime or premium pay; action for professional malpractice; effect of fraud or deceit; action for injuries to person arising from nuclear incident. (1) An action for assault, battery, false imprisonment, or for any injury to the person or rights of another, not arising on contract, and not especially enumerated in this chapter, shall be commenced within two years; provided, that in an action at law based upon fraud or deceit, the limitation shall be deemed to commence only from the discovery of the fraud or deceit.
