Monday, March 13, 2006

Got Parking?

Has the City of Santa Monica left you hanging, with no decent bicycle parking?

Let us know where...

Register the locations and description in the comments section to this blog post.

Let us know of locations where there is a need for bicycle parking, or where it is in need of "maintenance or repair", and/or any "other bicycle parking issues"[i.e. dangerous/poor locations, security issues, poor lighting, shelter, etc., or(?)].

Your comments will be available here for all cyclists, as a continuous, dynamic, reference resource.

Later, your comments may be used in advocacy efforts for improved bicycle parking in Santa Monica.

In addition to posting comments here, you may also submit comments through the "Complaint/Comment Form" below. (email addresses are kept confidential. complaints/comments may also sent anonymously)

NOTE: If you can, take a picture and email to: cyclesantamonica (at) yahoo (dot) com

Santa Monica Bicycle Parking
Registry Form

NAME*: (optional)
*(kept confidential)
Location and description of the bicycle parking issue:


  1. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire has recently installed some bike racks near the entrance to the store (smile)

  2. Anonymous6:21 PM

    need bicycle racks/parking in front of "The Talking Stick Coffee Lounge" at 1630 Ocean Park blvd, Santa Monica (MAP)
