Friday, March 10, 2006

The Spoken Word(UCLA)

Hot off the Press!

The new issue of UCLA's "The Spoken Word, - Dispatches on Bicycle Commuting to UCLA" (Winter 2006 - Issue 2) is now available.

The folks at UCLA have been contacted to get a link to, if, and where, "The Spoken Word" can be viewed online. They have not responded yet.

In the mean time, among other documents, you can find a copy(PDF) of it in the File Archives at the Cycle Santa Monica! yahoogroup.(note: to access the file there, you need to be subscribed to the group with a Yahoo ID. If you have a Yahoo email address, that is your Yahoo ID. It is FREE to subscribe the group. All are welcome to join.)

For More info: UCLA's Commuting By Bicycle programs

Some highlights from this issue include:
  • announcement of the new BIcycle Lockers program on campus,
  • Release of the UCLA Bicycle Master Plan(Draft)
  • Info about the "UCLA Community Bicycle Center" on campus, [where you can get your bike inspected (free) all the way up to a full bicycle tuneup($65). PLUS they provide access to loaner tools to do your own repairs. and access to supplies for your bicycling needs, such as blinking front and read LED lights, which they will sell to you at their cost ($7.50 a piece). They also got bicycles to rent ($5/day). They are open Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays, 10 am - 2 pm and Tuesdays/Thursdays, 1 pm - 5pm. See Jacob: 310-206-1252.
  • New UCLA Interactive Bike Map
NOTE: Keep posted to the Cycle Santa Monica! blog for a report on the bicycling community at USC and Santa Monica College. What has been uncovered so far is amazing. And I think it may amaze you too.

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