Monday, April 03, 2006

Post LA Bike Tour

Ok guys... What did you think of that huge critical mass ride AKA LA Bike Tour 2006? See pictures from the ride.

The story from reps at the organizers is that they had something over 14,000 registrants for the bike tour. That is quite a mass of cyclists.

I estimate that the number of actual cyclists was well over 20,000 cyclists. A report from one spot along the route is that for at least 30 plus minutes there was a steady, packed, flow of cyclists 15-20 across, going about 10-15 MPH. And if 15 cyclist passed the reporter every second for only 30 minutes, that would be 28,000 cyclists. And that would not be counting those in the thinner portion at the front of the pack and the straglers in the rear.

Read Will Campbell's report from the ride titled "Not My Favorite Bike Tour Ever". In his report touches on the Rosarito to Ensanada Bicycle Fun Ride, which is probably the biggest bicycle ride in Mexico, and probably the biggest in the USA too.

Kirk, from Redondo Beach, posted a ton of pictures from the LA Bike Tour 2006 on his blog and flickr.

Do you guys know of any websites with more pictures or videos from the ride please post the address in the comments, so we all can find them(smile).

This week, in honor of the Mexican immigrants, I will run a series of the Mexico, bicycle, USA connection. Be looking for a couple articles this week. I think you will be please with the info.

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