Friday, August 18, 2006

America's Wheels

In the September 2006 (Volume 15 - Number 8) issue of the Men's Journal Gary Fisher, of Fisher bikes, is the center one of an articles titled "Reinventing America's Wheels", in which the story is about his quest to kick America's oil habit with an electric car bicycle hybrid. Namely one of the pre-eminent choices is the European Aerorider(see picture to the right), the Twike(see links below to videos of the Twike), which can go 55 miles per hour, 75-100 miles per charge or more), and uses an electric motor, which can be supplemented with pedal assist by both the drive and/or the passenger.

The description from the Men's Journal reads "Gary Fisher, the godfather of mountain biking, has a new quest: kick America's oil habit with car-bike hybrids."

The article is in the magazine's "Environmental Affairs" section, page 60.

If you want to see a very cool Twike video, check out these links, which have some of two of the best videos of Twikes, that I have seen to date.

Twike Tours
Electric Bicycle-Car Hybrid

If you want to see some COOL velomobiles, some of which are using electric motor assist, with working pedals, see:


BTW, the Aerorider and the Twike are both ZERO EMISSION vehicles, Zero air pollution, virtually zero noise pollution, and require ZERO

petroleum oil (gasoline) for power.

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