Monday, August 21, 2006

Historie de Melody Nelson

Music video (French to English translation of the words):
The Rolls' wings brushed against poles
When despite myself off my path
We arrived my Rolls and I in a dangerous
Zone, an isolated place

Down there, on the hood of this Silver Ghost
From Nineteen hundred and ten moves forward like a scout
The silver Venus on the radiator
Whose light wings fly in advance.

High, disdainful, while the screaming
Radio covers the silence of the motor
She stares at the horizon and her mind elsewhere
Seems to ignore the sidewalks that I run over

Allies, dead ends and places
Where parking is illegal, an indifferent heart
She holds the reins of my twenty-six horse power

Princess of shadows, cursed arc angel
Amazone in modern style that the sculpter
In English, named Spirit of Ecstasy

And so I was messing around before losing
Control of the Rolls. I moved forward slowly
My car swerved and a violent thud
Tore me suddenly from my daydreams. Shit!

I saw a bicycle tire up ahead,
That continued to roll freely,
And like a doll that looses its balance
Her skirt pulled up on her white pants

"What's your name?"
"Melody what?"
"Melody Nelson"

Melody Nelson has red hair
And it's her natural color.

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