Monday, August 21, 2006

Pedaling From Police

Video News report of a bicyclist being pursued by the police on a freeway. Its hilarious. BTW, also this may be fake, it is definitely possible for e a bicycle to reach and sustain speeds of over 50 miles per hour. See Fastest Bicycle video.


Bicyclists riding a bike very fast, running from the police. These stunts are like those only seen in action movies.

It appears this cyclist jumped on a freeway and then was pursued by the police.

Bicyclist narrowly escapists being pinned by two trucks. Police car pursuing them hit the truck.

Police in cars are blocked the the trucks.

All the action captured by a helicopter video camera.

See Other Comments on this video at:
Apparently, it was a edited version of the real thing, see this version. Also, see original version of this clip

Here is some commentary about the legal issues of banning biycles from freeway(includes links to a video of cyclists riding a freeway in an event).


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Yeah, this looks pretty fake (young dude commentators, fake static, and the cyclist looks a little 2D at times) Fun tho!

  2. Anonymous6:45 PM

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  3. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Did this guy over dose on Red Bull?

    Red Bull.. It gives you WINGS! Weeee... (smile)

  4. Anonymous9:18 PM

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  5. Anonymous9:20 PM

    heard this video was made as a promotional commercial for Specialized bicycles and components.

  6. Thank you for introducing me the wonderful information.And .....Totally boring.!
