Thursday, August 10, 2006


This video is s of a Twike tour, en masse of twikes of about 30-50 twikes, in 2004, in Europe.

The video give a good sense of the quiteness of these electric, human power, hybrid vehicles, and how they can be used to visit places, such as National parks, or forested areas, to enjoy the serenity of these places, both in sound and air qualities.(source)

More description below from the film makers.


Video Description(German):
Die TWIKE Tours sind 2004 mit einem Video dokumentiert worden. Die Szenen stammen aus Reisen in den Jahren 2002 und 2003, welche nach dem Modell der TWIKE Tours durchgeführt worden sind. Destinationen sind das Wallis, der Jura, Berner Oberland und Berner Seeland. Start und Ziel Bern.
(Google translation to English: "The TWIKE route was documented 2004 with a video. The scenes originate from journeys in the years 2002 and 2003, which were route accomplished according to the model of the TWIKE. Destinationen are the Wallis, the law, Bernese upper country and Bernese sea-country. Start and a goal Berne.")

See another Twike video the Bio Electric hybrid car/bicycle, "The Coolest Vehicle" and "so easy to drive".

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