Thursday, October 05, 2006

Reader Question

first, thanks for all the great work you do on your blog. i'm constantly referring folks over to it, and i was hoping to do that again today. i am looking for the video you put up of the fire department removing a u-lock from a bike. is that still up there somwhere? i'm having a devil of a time finding it. thanks in advance for any help you can provide... :)
Hi. Thank you for writing.

Here it is: U-Lock Cutting

And FYI, if you want to find other archived posts on the Cycle Santa Monica! blog there are two fairly good ways to do that. You can go to and type in "cycle santa monica" (see example image on right - click on image to enlarge) and then add a space and any words you remeber seeing in the post to the search. You can also use the blog's search engine. You can find it at the top of the page at:

However, I think the google way seems to provide the best results.

Cycle Santa Monica!

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