Saturday, October 21, 2006


video of a critical mass bicycle ride in Paris France (April, 2004). Note the participation of walkers(pedestrians), skaters, and people in wheelchairs that ride with the bicyclists in the critical mass event.

The people in this event had just experienced one of the hottest summers in Paris France. It was so hot and for so long, that over 8000 people died as a result of the high temperatures in Paris, with many more people dead throughout France as a result of that unprecedented heat wave. You can find reports of this by googling "death" "paris" "heat"

Video Description:
"avril 2004, Paris, France
Auto, boulot, dodo..Nos villes et nos campagnes sont bétonnés et défigurés pour être pratiquables par les voitures. Alors que le climat se réchauffe, le nombre d'irresponsables citadins en 4x4 explose...Est-ce là une bonne façons de rêfléchir a une nouvelle politique énérgétique? Le collectif Vélorution!, en partenariat avec de nombreuses autres associations comme Greenpeace, organise tous les premiers "

Related Posts:
- Santa Monica Critical Mass(video - Sept 2006)
- AltCar Expo (December 2006, Santa Monica, California)
- Critical Mass San Paulo, Brazil ( Link 2 )

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
- Santa-Monica/West L.A./Venice critical mass community forum

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