Thursday, November 30, 2006

Reese Witherspoon+BIKE

(click on images to enlarge)

Reese Witherspoon may be seen on the big screen riding a motorized bicycle as a "pizza delivery girl" in one of her newest films titled "Penelope". Reports say it has been filmed in London and the USA and may be screened to the general public in 2007.

Via Cinamatical says:
"With production starting later this month, Reese Witherspoon has signed up for driving lessons because, well, driving around London on a bike with pizza strapped to the back is kind of freaking her out. Here's the best part: After said lessons, our Best Actress will be tagging along with some regular old pizza delivery guy so that he can teach her the ropes."
According to Askmen she was supposed to be a moped riding pizza delivery girl. And to make her acting convincing in this film she decided to get a job doing the job. They state:
Reese plays a pizza moped driver in the movie, and is so desperate to make it convincing she decided to do the job in real life...
Before filming begins, Reese is going to take lessons. Then she will spend time with a real delivery boy learning all about riding round London with pizzas in the back."
Very interesting indeed. I think it could be entertaining to see Reese playing the part of a bicycle pedalling Pizza Delivery Girl. And in one scene her shop could get the call to delivery a couple pizza's to the rolling cyclists and skaters duing the monthly critical mass ride/roll in London center(see video below). And there could be funny bits of her trying to find them and being on a cell phone making turns, catching glimpses of the mass in the distance. And then finding the mate that wants the pizza in the several hundred rolling cyclists. Ahhh, and at last she find the elusive pizza ordering mass rider. And they have some comedic exchange, fumbling with money, etc, and they fall in love, and ride their bicycles together into the sunset.

She could be driving a TGB pizza delivery mopde or a bicycle with a dominos insulatate pizza box on the back like the bicycle taken in China. or a special model of the Oxygen, an electric powered scooter.(see pictures on right)

If anyone has any confirmation of what kind of bikes whe will be riding, please let us know. And If you have pictures of her riding her pizza delivery bicycle/moped please share the link where we can find it or send to me. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Reese is awesome!!!! Best movie of all time. I was so happy that at least one of those actors/actre sses got that award I mean they should have given Joaquin the award for that movie too but oh well Reese got it fair and square and she is a beautiful, talented and gifted actress.

    california dui
