Friday, November 10, 2006

Repair Santa Monica?

This video is about a phenomena sprouting from Portland Oregon, by the name "City Repair. I am imagining many places where "City Repair" could be feasable and beneficial. In particular, segments of Pico neighborhood, the Pico Coridor, Mid Cities, Ocean Park, Sunset Park, among other places. You have any ideas on how City Repair, building our villages, would be like?

F0r one, I think the Pico Corridor would be a great creative community building opportunity to enhance quality of life, by providing more opportunities for communication, and relationship building among neighbors.

Video Description:
City Repair is the story of a quintessential grassroots startup in Portland, OR who transform space into place. With paintbrushes and potlucks, these passionate villagers challenge the grid architecture that dominates our cities and suburbs and inspire us to reclaim public space as a way to build community relationships.

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