Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Noel Adam ACE

This is a quote and picture from the full report Noel Adams at Electrifying Times did on the AltCar Expo, that may be of interest:
I stopped by the Sustainable Transportation Club booth to talk with Russell Sydney who I have corresponded with for some time and never met face to face. The Sustainable Transportation club is a big supporter of bicycling and electric scooters. They had two electric scooters on display, the Falcon EV eRunner and an EVT 168. John Breza, the local EVT dealer and another old acquaintance I hadn’t seen in a long time was also maning the booth so I had a chance to chat with him for a few moments.
It is one of the most comprehensive reports, and display of pictures, from the AltCar Expo I have seen to date.

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- AltCar Rally Caravan video

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