Wednesday, February 21, 2007

E-Bike Commuting Tips

This video has some great tips on how to bicycle commute using an electric bicycle. She includes low cost tips on riding at night, in un predictable raining environment. That includes reflective tape from the hardware store, seat covers using plastic shower cap, bicycle trailers (Bikes To Work) for shoping at the food co-op, etc.

Other related videos is the Video News report on the "Hybrid Bike" and "Electric Bikes in China"(video), "Electric Bikes in Vancouver"(video)

They also discuss recumbents and fully enclosed velomobiles.

She is riding a Giant Suede electric bicycle (e-bike), using a nickel metal hydride battery pack. Highly recommeded video for those interested in using an electric bicycle for their transportation/commuting needs.(28 minutes)

Video Description:
Peak Moment 40: Catch Sally Lovell's enthusiasm for her electric-assist bicycle. Her comprehensive primer covers bicycle types, battery recharging, practices and products for security, inclement weather, and road safety. Gotta love that trailer for hauling stuff!


  1. I think her husband is pulling her payamas saying 'I would also take a bike to work but I'm frightened of dogs jumping on me'. Funny how hes happy to let his wife cycle to work but he loves his car. Typical man (I am one by the way)

  2. lol her husband is too scared to join her cycling to work cos he's frightened dogs will bite him. What a wuss.

    Good video though, good to see people willing to try alternatives to the car.

  3. Thank you for introducing me the wonderful information.And .....Totally boring.!
