Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Future...

"It's Not Too Late"

NOTE: also see "Kids Talking..."

Video Description:
Climate change is changing our world. Within the lifetimes of children being born today, it may challenge our survival as a species.
The Earth is hotter than it has been for at least one thousand years. By the end of this century, if current trends continue, the temperature will likely climb higher than it's been at any time in the past two million years. The consequences of this drastic rise, caused by burning fossil fuels, are likely to be catastrophic: mass extinctions, droughts, hundreds of millions of refugees ...


  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Well! Whose idea was this? "We against you". "It's too late". That is a good way to alienate watchers. How about a kid showing what we can do now? If as this child implied, "it is too late", why bother. A real downer. Get your money back and return to the workbench.

  2. Anonymous2:24 PM

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  3. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I think the idea behind this piece is to convey to the viewer a couple points.

    1. The earth environment is getting warmer and this is causing threat to the future of humans.

    2. Those who are adults today have responsibility to be sure to take good care of this environment which allows humans to survive. And if they don't, then the kids growing up today may look back unkindly to these irresponsible adults and their wreckless behaviour.

    That unkind look may include diminished respect for these senior citizens. Perhaps it is a shadow of "Logan's Run".

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Reminds me of me in the 60's.

    Reminds me of Islamofacists now.

    Sounds like a group with a political agenda rather than a willingness to do what it takes to actually do some good.

    It's extremism and you will only attract the fringes of society with this kind of message and it will remain impotent. Better to mainstream the message if you really believe there is a problem and this is not just nature doing business.

    Feel free to shout me down. Everybody else does.

  5. I thing the "for us or against us" is supposed to allude the Bush's use of those words when rallying for the anti-terror war effort a few years ago. Perhaps they're making fun of the use of those words, or maybe they're attempting to appeal to the thick-skulled part of the population that likes to chant war cries.

  6. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I don't think this type of ad is effective. The people that agree are already on board and the people that don't agree will be alienated.

    I think polarizing people is usually ineffective. Something that may be effective is to compare this to the smoking debates of the 60's. There were many "scientists" professing the good effects of cigarettes. Later, it was admitted the tobacco industry was funding this "reseach". In another 20 years, everyone will admit that we are causing global warming. Maybe there will be caution stickers on gas pumps - "Caution - the use of this product may cause the polar ice caps to melt and bring about the end to life as we know it".

  7. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I do not know how to get people off their rear ends and do what it takes to deal with this problem. Maybe it takes a shock ad to do that. How many of the people who commented are still burning gasoline. I am, but my main ride gets 400 miles per gallon equivalent. Of the 700 people on the Sustainable Transport Club mailing list how many get over 100mpg? What does it take to get people to do the right thing?

  8. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Nice bit of propaganda that would make Josef Goebbels proud! More negativity and blame that CANNOT be proven without a doubt! There is PLENTY of doubt to suggest that "global warming" is nothing more than NATURAL evolution of the Earth. This kid has more to worry about acne than destruction of his planet, PUL-EEZ!

  9. Anonymous2:34 PM

    "Well! Whose idea was this? "We against you". "It's too late". That is a good way to alienate watchers. How about a kid showing what we can do now? If as this child implied, "it is too late", why bother. A real downer. Get your money back and return to the workbench."

    I think your horrible. Do you not realize that everything that this kid is saying is true. I myself am 13, and its too late for you guys, but for us, it's just beginning. It's not fair that you take all of our future resources. It's not fair that your wiping out all of our future countries, vacation spots and possibly homes. It's not fair that your destroying our Earth. Just because this doesn't effect you, that doesn't mean it wont effect us.

  10. I can't believe how much of this I just wasn't aware of. Thank you for bringing more information to this topic for me. I'm truly grateful and really impressed.
