Monday, February 05, 2007

Global Warming Coverup

Video Description:
(Duration: 39:10, Taken: 17 December 2006, Location: United States)
This video is about how a GLOBAL WARMING COVER UP has been underway in America.

You can read the related article dated June 1, 2006 here called:
Climate Chaos: Bush's Climate of Fear

Thank goodness for BBC and the internet. Many in the USA are not seeing or hearing much of this on their media at all. (this video seems to explain why)
After watching this video, one realizes a very dangerous, horrible "cover-up" regarding Global Warming, and is it too late to do anything about it?

You can download this video in .wmv format - 98 megs here:
(click SKIP THIS AD to download)

Another related article that ALSO mentions EXXON dated Dec 7th, 2006 called:
"Exxon Spends Millions to Cast Doubt on Warming"

Another bit of news reported from BBC News dated Dec 12 2006 here called
Arctic Warning - Polar Ice Caps

Hmmm, are we seeing a pattern here ?!

Other recent articles:

USGS Scientists Object To Stricter Review Rules
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 14, 2006

White House Tightens Publishing Rules for USGS Scientists
By John Heilprin
Associated Press
posted: 14 December 2006

Scientists Say White House Muzzled Them
By John Heilprin
Associated Press
posted: 02 November 2006

White House Said to Block Climate Study
By Randolph E. Schmid
Associated Press
posted: 26 September 2006

After watching this video, I wonder WHO REALLY KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR??
See interview here:

>>>UPDATE January 4, 2007
Alaska natives left out in the cold
Read full article here:

Alaska is part of the USA. WHY ISN'T the US MEDIA covering this story ? Why do I only find this news on BBC?! Oh thats right, the White House "controls" what is reported in the US.

"Tip of the Iceburg" LATimes article dated
Jan 8, 2006
Don't wait to save the polar bear
We have to act quickly to stop the species from becoming a casualty of global warming.
(copy & paste full URL into browser),0,2035118.story?coll=la-opinion-underdog

January 10th, 2007
NASA Scientist Urges Action on Warming
(copy & paste entire link)

U.S. is still in denial over global warming!!!
January 12, 2007

Heads up! If you liked "March of the Penguins", but saw nothing regarding how "climate change" is affecting them, I suggest you see:

"Emperors of the Ice"
See "Emperors of the Ice (preview) " here:

This video originally was broadcast on PBS in Dec 2006 and will be playing again several times in Jan. 2007:
See here for dates and times:

Scripps Scientists Investigate Climate Change from Penguins' Point of View
National Geographic's 'Emperors of the Ice'

AN excellent review on "Emperors of the Ice" with research links on the subject found here:

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