Saturday, March 31, 2007


This video is being showcased at CSM! because it shows ingenuity in the way and location the camera was mounted. It give the viewer the opportunity to get a sense of what it migh be like if you were a 4 inch tall munchkin standing on the the cross bar near the rear wheel of your BMX bicycle, hanging on for dear life, it also gives the viewer a sense of what it sounds like down there and how fast things seem to go when riding so close to the ground.

What might be interesting is to mount the camera in a similar way on a bike that has a rear electric hub motor to show what the electric motor sounds like from that perspective.

And I suppose Shimano or Vans might put together a similar video which would show their brand name shoe pedaling the bike. If someone uses that idea, please give credit to me! (smile)


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Suicide Freedom

This cartoon in the "no exit" series says it better than words.. "suicide" and "freedom" and having a car.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

e-bike test

"The Gadget Show" in the UK test do a mountain bicycle race. One of the bikes has an electric motor assist.

Video Description:
The Gadget show in the UK test an electric bike against a couple of other machines including the superb hummer mtb available exclusively from

I like the way the show details the bike as the worlds first electric mountain bike? ha ha oh erm no I don't think so!! he he, I think Currie and Powabyke may have an issue with that statement!

Hope you enjoy! the Gadget Show is a great show catch it on channel 5 in the UK Monday nights at 7.15


in an earlier post I wrote about a now television show called "the SHOP". In the promo Michael "Hollywood" Raines shows off his custom electric bike.

If I made a custom electric bike, I might add a Jacobs Ladder behind the rider, that looks like a seat rest. It could be fired up for effect. It would provide day and night time visual effect. And it would also have sound effect that is the sound of high voltage electricity crackling and humming.

I might add some chrome, brass, or gold lightening bolts. Also, I might add a couple well placed signs, with style in mind, that say "WARNING - High Voltage". I might also add a tesla coil in front of the bike near the head light, that is encased in a protective glass or other suitable material, that can be fired up. The inards of the tesla coil might include a special design to go with the theme of the bike. That might also be lightening bolts crossed, the rolls Royce statue, or some other interesting elemet.

Below is an example of what a jacobs ladder does and sound like.

History of BMX

"we really thought we were motorcycle riders on bicycles"

This is the movie trailer for "Joe Kid On A Stingray - The History of BMX"

It is narrated by the infamous Jesse Jamse of of West Coast Choppers in Long Beach California.

E-bike Freewheeling Demo

Video Description:
The motor is built-in to the hub of a front or rear bicycle wheel 16"-27"/700C (3 speeds available).

Some folks think regenerative charging is needed: I don't - I think a great freewheel is better!

A choice of batteries (SLA, NiMh or Li-Po (LithiumPolmer)) is available for different range, budget and weight requirements. Speed control is by means of a handlbar twist or thumb 'throttle', and pedal sensing (Pedal Action Sensor or Pedal Force Sensor) is available.

Continuous output power of 250 watts and peak output of 425 Watts (600 Watts available with high voltage option) makes the nano system legal for use in UK and European countries, as well as Australia, USA and most other countries.

see and for details

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Electric Avenue

The song playing in the background to this video of a velomobile, sung by Eddie Grant, titled "Electric Avenue" seems to be a very fitting theme song for electric vehicle enthusiasts.

Note that the velomobile in this video, an "Aurora" has an electric hub motor in it's front wheel. And this velomobile has pedals inside for human power as well.

And this along with other velomobiles, with and without electric power assist will be at the "Left Coast Velomobile Gathering" in San Louis Obispo on March 24-25, 2007. (video from 2006 gathering)

Custom E-Choppers

Step aside Orange County Choppers... Michael "Hollywood" Raines, out in Venice, California, of "the SHOP", is pulling in on his custom electric chopper... slick, powerfull, and burns no gasoline. Only burns rubber!(see video promo for "the SHOP" below)

It is editinh for this promo clip is slightly corny in parts and the bike could use a little styling detail to give it more competetive pizzazz to the bikes coming out of Orange County Choppers, but the concept of "the SHOP" and the electric bike do have alot of potential.

The bike can be spruced up and made to look alot more sexy. Perhaps it can have some chrome or bras finish lightning bolts. Perhaps a Jacob's ladder that can be fired up behind the driver that looks like a seat rest. Or perhaps a tesla coil up front tha looks like a headlight and an eyball, that doubles as a headlight. Probably add something that makes sparks fly out of the rear end, like an exhaust. This is a few ideas to start.

The script probably could be modified a little bit to slloe yhr story to flow more smoothly and maintain the interest of the viewer. But even without modifications, the story is interesting, especially for those into electric vehicles and bikes and has lots of potential as a subject for a TV show.

If anyone has more info on this show, let me know.


one leg bike

New York City bicycle messenger rides with one leg.

Video Description:
amNewYork reporter Justin Rocket Silverman follows a New York City bike messenger as he weaves through traffic and rides with only one leg.

Compare commute: E-bike v. Car

This video does a time lapse, side by side, comparison of how long and what it looks like to commute by electric bicycle (AKA e-bike) and a car. The electric bicycle brought the commuter to work in less than one forth of the the time, with some great scenery, sweat-free, and without burning any gasoline, etc.

Commute times:
electric bicycle - - 7 minutes and 20 seconds
car - - - - - - - - - 23 minutes and 11 seconds
(note: both start and end their commute at same locations. the e-bike is at the door to work 16 minutes before the car.)

Film Maker, Suitable Transport comment:
This is the reason why everyone should ride an electric bicycle.

Related Posts:
- "Man Motors on Hybrid (electric) Bike"(Video News report)
- Electric Bicycle Commuter Tips(video)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Try The Patch...

Are drving Hybrid cars like a smoker trying to curb a smoking addiction by smoking "lite" cigarettes?

The film maker of "Try The Patch" playfully suggests that instead of smoking "hybrid" cigarettes, that people consider trying "the patch"(AKA "Bike" or bicycle) to help end their addiction to smoking cigarettes completely.

Video description
"Try the Patch" uses the metaphor of smoking on an elevator to unveil the truth about transportation pollution. The myth of the "green" car is similar to myth of the "light" cigarette. Both are still toxic. Just as the patch offers a cure to cigarette addiction, the bicycle can end our addiction to cars. Many times more energy efficient during all phases of their life and fueled by willpower bicycles offer promise for a sustaible future. (source )

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Eco-Planet Cookies

(click on images to enlarge)

There is a new company in Santa Monica, called "Eco-Planet Cookies"(a division of Heaven Scent Natural Foods).

They make a line of packaged organic, vegan, kosher, cookies.

The reason I mention them is because there cookies and packaging is all about sustainable transportation. That includes electric vehicles and bicycles.

The cookies do include electric vehicle cookies. It looks like a Toyota Prius with a lightening bolt image on the side panels.

The company is also looking into the possibility of how to make a an organic cookie in the shape of a bicycle or perhaps a person riding a bicycle.

the cookies also come in the shapes of a smiling sun, an earth, and an electricity generating wind turbine.

They are also sponsoring an "Eco-Car Rally" in Malibu California.

The mission of their company is:
The Eco-Planet mission is to produce the highest quality, 100% organic cookies that are delicious, wholesome, and pure, and that will inspire children and their parents to choose ecologically responsible alternatives in transportation, power, and industry. Eco-Planet Organic Cookies donates a portion of proceeds to non-profit organizations that are committed to preserving and protecting our fragile ecosystem.

These cookies are reportedly available at Whole Foods. And they may be available at Co-opportunity in Santa Monica. And if not, I believe they can be ordered through either store.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


I think it would fun to attach one of these Suwon's to a bicycle helmet for a little festive fun during a critical mass ride. See video below of some people doing some traditional Korean dancing with these things attache to their hats.

Here is another style of Suwon that is like on a whip antena attached to their hat with a whit ribbon. Although, critical massers could use any color they like, such as neon or flurescent, or even metalic or glittery ribbon for a festive effect.

This dance is also referred to as a Korean Farmer's Dance.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Segway Parking?

Got Segway Parking?

Below is a video clip from "The Family Guy" cartoon.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Left Coast Velomobile Gathering 2007

The next "Left Coast Velomobile Gathering" is coming up in a couple weeks (March 24-25, 2007). It will be in San Luis Obispo. It is free to attend. Below is a video from the Left Coast Velomobile Gathering in 2006.

Meeting at The MOrtgage House @ 9am. There will be some presentation through to about 2pm, along with opportunities to show and see vehicles in the parking lot. The gathering will be followed by a leisurely 10 mile bike ride to Avila beach. There may be improptu arrangements for meeting for dinner among persons attending the Gathering. And on Sunday people will meet up for a bike ride of about a 45 mile loop. That ride may be a bit faster, which demonstrates the strengh of speed that velomobiles possess. Meeting time and location to be decided, probably on Saturday.

There are a variety of lodging options, places to get food, camping options, and some other interesting opportunities in the area. I have listed a few in the comments section of this article. If you know of more please post them in the comments section. And if you can, please give us address, and/or phone number, and/or web address for the place or event. Thanks!

Converting Cars

This a little video clip of the conversion of a gas powered car to an all electric powered car, that took place over the weekend at the AltCar Expo in Santa Monica, California.

Go-One Velomobile

This is a video clip of a Go-One human powered velomobile. A velomobile is basicaly a bicycle with a shell around it to keep the wind, rain, and snow, etc out. It also provides for a way to keep the inside insulated a bit when it is cold. It may also provide for a way to kee less of the dirt and smog off the rider. and perhaps less getting on the skin, eyes, and in the lungs and resperatory tract. air filter can be installed. Also, there is ways to provide air conditioning inside the cockpit of this vehicle, such as by using a small air ionizer and/or filter system. Also a retrofited 12 volt recreational refrigerator can be retrofitted to provide for colling the inside of the cockpit if it is too warm.

This velomobile has an electric assist hub motor in the rear wheel. the battery power supply for the rear hub motor are in a black bag, on a rack above the rear wheel.

BTW, for those interested, there will be a California convention for Velomobiles, called "Left Coast Velomobile Gathering 2007"(AKA LCVG) on March 24-25, 2007. It is a 2-3 day event and is free. You can see pictures from last year's California Velomobile convention. See the Video from the Left Coast Velomobile Gathering 2006.

Video Description:
Pulling into Jones Farm in a Human-Electric Hybrid.
This is an electric-assisted velomobile called the Go-One. I commute in it from SE Portland to Hillsboro (20 miles) on a frequent basis. Zero gas consumption, and just the right amount of exercise!