Saturday, April 28, 2007

South Park

In a recent South Park episode, South Park experiencing an increase in thier homeless population. The show brings attention to some of the the hilarity for the cause and fix of the homeless. And in the end, Kenny and his crew bring the South Park homeless to Santa Monica, and Kenny finishes the show with a skateboard jump over 3 homeless. This episode is called "Night Of The Living Homeless" (episode #1107). You can also download the whole show via iTunes.

Here is a clip from the show:

Perhaps in future episodes the South Park Crew will get bikes and experience some of the horrors of riding a bike against the people driving cars that become infected with "Road Rage" and take a ride with the Critical Mass riders or the Midnight Ridazz. (wink)(smile)

BTW, I did see some joggers in the Santa Monica scenes, but interestingly I didn't see any bicyclists. I suppose that was an oversight among the writers for South Park. Perhaps the South Park can do a remake of the show and throw in a few people on bicycles. Heck, even the Santa Monica Homeless(or almost homeless) have a large percentage that use a bicycle for their main form of transportation, in addition to their feet and the Big Blue Bus.

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
- Santa-Monica/West-L.A./Venice critical mass community forum


  1. Anonymous4:25 AM

    South park is my favorite show. I have seen all the episodes of the show. The show is the Best animated show. I am trying to Download Southpark episodes got a great stuff here.
