Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fastest Train

In a previous post, I spoke and shared a video of a high speed maglev(magnetic levitation) Train in China(LINK).

Apparently, the French have been seeking and achieving world speed records for trains with the TGV. And most recently they have gotten it up to 547 kilometers per hour(approx 357 miles per hour).

See a video of it in action below.

Video Description:
"The french TGV (train à grande vitesse, High speed train) sets a new conventional rail record, with a speed of 574.8 kmh. The record was established on April 3,2007, surpassing the previous record of 1990 (515.3kmh). The train is a special tgv, named "V150" (for 150 met/sec, ca. 540kmh)with a souded-up engine (25,000hp, like two F1 starting grids), and larger wheels.

Le TGV atteint la vitesse de 574.8 kmh, établissant un nouveau record du monde de vitesse sur rail. Le record est établi le 3 avril 2007, surpassant le précédent record de 1990 (515.3kmh). Le train est un tgv spécial, avec des moteurs survitaminés (25,000 cv, l'équivalent de deux grilles de départ de F1), des roues plus larges...

(france 2 coverage-couverture france 2"


  1. Not that it makes that much difference, because it was SO FAST, but the 574 was in Kilomoeters per hour. The speed in miles per hours was 357.164. But, considering that recent landspeed motorcycles were set recently at Bonnevilee near that speed...
    ...pretty damned impressive!

  2. Not that it makes that much difference, because it was SO FAST, but the 574 was in Kilomoeters per hour. The speed in miles per hours was 357.164. But, considering that recent landspeed motorcycle records were set at Bonneville near that speed...
    ...pretty damned impressive!

  3. HiBoogerballs. Thanks for catching that typo. It has been corrected.

    If you find any more errors or have more feedback, please share. Thanks!

  4. Thank you for introducing me the wonderful information.And .....Totally boring.!
