Sunday, July 08, 2007

"Naked" Skating...

This video report (see below) presents perhaps a community, philosophical issue. One, is it acceptable to skate or rollerblade on beach bike paths? And is it ok to bike or skate on beach bike paths in various flavors of nudity or dress?

Additionally, in this case of Jennifer, did the police selectively single her out for offence of "skating on the beach bike path" because the police could see some of her pubic hair?

In other "civilized" countries around the world, such as France, Netherlands, and other countries, nudity seems to be much more accepted, tolerated, and dare I say "enjoyed", and legal than it seems to be in the U.S. (see video "Sex, Drugs, and Democracy" a documentary about the Netherlands "Holland" )

In the bike path arrest video (Venice/Santa Monica area), "Jennifer" talks about being arrested by the LAPD. She says the police(LAPD) charged her "being a pedestrian on the (Santa Monica) bike path"(rollerblading on the bike path) and for "showing to much pubic hair in public" while skating.

This story presents an interesting topic regarding the subject of should people be allowed to enjoy the beach with or without clothes, including sun bathing, bicycling, running or skating on the Santa Monica bike path.

And this presents to subject, if someone is arrested because they were skating naked or with not enough clothes, is that a violation of their freedom of speech or other liberties guaranteed by the United States Constitution.

Perhaps the community may like to explore creating free "skin zones" perhaps where people can skate bike, run walk with freedom to wear as much or little clothes as they like. And perhaps such a place could reasonably exist where the sun shines and people enjoying bathing their skin in clean ocean breezes and nourishing sun. I welcome feedback.

Video Description:

Related Posts:
- Skating Santa Monica (video link)

1 comment:

  1. I think that all the wailing are related with the naked people, I really like your video, excellent!
