Tuesday, May 13, 2008

CrimAnimals On KNBC

The Cimanimal("CrimAnimalz") "Freeway Ride" bike crew are getting more media attention. Thier latest coverage includes a news piece on KNBC, Channal 4. See video below.

About a year or two ago KNBC did another news piece about the bicycle scene in Santa Monica, including an interview with Chris Balish (author of "How To Live Well Without Owning A Car")(see video)


  1. Anonymous11:25 PM

    these guys are kind of lame... I mean what do they have to do with Crimea anyhow?

  2. Yeah... you'll get a ticket. If they can catch you.

    Keep Riding!

  3. This video is amazing I watched it last week with some friends while we were downloading videos on you-tube.

  4. I think that it is great that they are feature on the news.

  5. These guys are amazing. Do they still have activities in this year?
