Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Santa Monica Glow

Santa Monica was a "Glow" with several thousand biycles in downtown Santa Monica for the inaugural "Glow" festival (July 19, 2008). The festival was inspired by "Nuit Blanche" which is held once a year(October) in Paris France since 2002). Nuit Blanche translates from French into English as "white night" or "all nighter"(see wiki "Nuit Blanche").

The Santa Monica Glow had a bicycle valet that parked over 1000 bicycles (see pictures). Also, there were thousands of bicycles locked to poles, railings, and in many cases locked to eachother in big bicycle piles where there was open space. There were many decorated bicycles. Bicycle riders also congregated in the Santa Monica Critical Mass meet up spot for impromptu group rides thourghout the nite.

If you have more info, post in the comments. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Thanks for sharing. I've been really into getting an electric bike for sometime but, alas, I'm but a novice.

    I enjoyed the youtube videos you posted, but would you happen to have a more detailed checklist in terms of building an electric bike?

    Would appreciate any insight.


    Santa Monica Apartments
