Saturday, March 28, 2009

Folding Electric Car For Women?

This is a film clip of two females assembling, unfolding a three (3) wheel electric car. The car can be fashioned as either a convertible with side doors or as a front entrance car with full cover for the passenger compartment. The car can be folded up for storage. Presumable it is an all electric drive vehicle for ease of maintenance and to eliminate the the issue of cranking the start motor of the combustion engine of the day. Anyone know more about this vehicle, please send me a message or comment with what you know.

Another electric car similar to this has 4 wheels, is all electric, with a front entrance door. Jay Leno has one. It is called the Baker Electric.

A more modern 4 wheel foldable electric car is the Wike or "Wicycle" (see video clips)


  1. The video shows two different 3 wheel cars. The first one shown has the cab all the way forward with engine or electronics (batteries and motor) in the rear.
    The second car, the folding one, is different all together and has the enging/motor ahead of the cab area and has a "trunk" of sorts which simply covers the rear wheel.

    Also you will notice that the first car has no steering wheel, which would indicate levers control the steering (common on front entrance and early electric vehicles) while the second has a steering wheel on the pass. side.
    Sorry, but BOTH are not folding. The second one is an is very unique.

  2. thanks JD.

    It also appears that there may actually be 3 different vehicles.

    Also, I noticed that the second vehicle had license plat "PM1931'. I wonder if the PM is an indication of the car manufacturer or model, and the "1931" is an indication of the year of manufacture of the vehicle.


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  5. Way cool! This is an electric car? I didn't know that it traces back as far as the 1920's. Regarding what JD said about those cars not being the folding type, at least the video showed a part where the women were assembling it. If cars like these still existed today... Hmm... If they made it a lot more compact, then the assembling wouldn't be that much of a hassle.

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  10. That is awesome, I would love a car that can be fold and you can safely put inside the house.

  11. It would be really nice if this exist today. I mean, having a folding car not just for women but also for men would be a great innovation in this generation.

  12. The folding mechanism is great. I hope something like it will be produced these days. But what amazed me the most is that it happens to be an electric car! Isn't it wonderful that something like that came in first before the hybrids of today? What was the brand name of that car? =)

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