Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Governor Creates California Green Corp

This could mean support for alternative transportation, such as elementary, middle, and high school courses (including materials and equipment) for bicycle safety training. That might include teaches kids that may like to use a bicycle as a source of transportation on the roads with other traffic, like cars and trucks. It may include training opportunities for installation and maintenance of electric power assist bicycles, and installation and maintenance of power supply ports/kiosks for electric bicycles and electric mopeds and scooters. It may include volunteer, foundation, and non profit organizations that are providing that support and resource. It may provide resources to support research into the area of improvements in the technology of power assist systems, and perhaps folding micro electric cars, like the Wycycle.

I welcome your comments, public or private.

Governor Creates California Green Corp
March 16, 2009

On March 16, 2009 Governor of California announces the creation of a Green Corps in California. The Green Corp will be at least in part funded with 10 million dollars in US Federal government stimulus money. The money will in part fun up to 20 months of training of at-risk youth in california. The training will nclude solar panel energy instalation certification, voluneering in the community. Later it may include wind turbine installation and maintenance, etc.


  1. Let me get this straight. California is broke and put a hold on paying out income tax returns and shut down services, then they pass a magic new budget that "fixes" everything (but renegotiating their debt and creating more of it). So now that they're no longer in economic crisis, just heavily in debt, they're going to spend money on WHAT?

    Man, and people get mad with bailout funds go to AIG execs. What about the HUGE TAX INCREASE Californians are paying next year to pay for crap like this?

  2. Militant Libertarian, thanks for your comments.

    In this case, I believe it is not a bail out. It is an investment. And that investment, according to those on the video, is expected to reap financial fruit for Californians. If you listen to the Arnold's other vidoe on the budget crisis, he makes those kind of points more clear.

    I am not clear on the details of the California Green Corps. However, it seems similar to the kind of programs which helped give jobs to workers whom built some of the US infrastructure during the depression of the 1930's like Hoover Dam (which is still in operation today and generating lots of electricity for many people.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ah the correct spelling is "Wicycle" or just "Wike".

    I was searching for "Wycycle" and not finding anything.

  5. roid, thanks for pointing that out. You are absolutely correct. And I highly recommend checking out the video on the wicycle.

    You can find it on youtube at: "Folding Electric Car" or on this blog at: Wike Wicycle
