Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Car Share...

Aspen Car Share radio interview (September 13, 2002)
Gavin Seedorf talks about coordinating Aspen's car share program, which offers people the convenience of a vehicle without the inconveniences of ownership.
(reference Colorado Matters)
download/Listen(MP3 - 1.8 mb)

CityWheels radio interview (February 2, 2006)
(source: "Cleveland Soon to Be Sharing Cars"
(download/listen - Windows Media)

HourCar radio interview (March 30, 2005)
(First Crack 33 - Podcast - interview)
(source HourCar Brings Car Sharing to Twin Cities Garrick Van Buren )
download/listen - MP3

Green Machines podcast show
(March 9, 2006)
(More Hip Than Hippies)
(download/listen - MP3)

note: The show below had written about some coveage of "city carshare". I could not find it.
City CarShare interview (by Bikescape)(Jun 5, 2005)
World Environment Day 2005

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