Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Santa Monica Library

It might interest you to know that the next "Santa Monica Leadership Series" course, titled "Read. Connect. Relax. Learn: All about Santa Monica's New Main Library", will be at the new Santa Monica Main Library (Thursday, March 30, 2006, 7-9pm, in Martin Luther King, Jr. Auditorium).

You may be wondering why is Cycle Santa Monica! writing about the Santa Monica Public Library.

Well, for one, the Santa Monica Public Library has a new "Sustainability Technology Transportation" collection section(see pic of sign to right). You may like to learn more about that. And You may like to ask the presenters what magazines, books, and other media that collection includes, such as material on bicycling, skating, and by foot. You may also find opportunity to suggest items to add to the collection.

This event is free and open to the public(residents and non-residents of Santa Monica).

You may also want to come to the meeting ask them about bicycle parking(see picture to the right) at and around the library.

You may like to ask them why the bicycle parking is so far from the entrance to the library, un-monitored, un-sheltered, and for so few bicycles. You may ask, why the bicycle parking provides no shelter, or places to plug in electric bicycles and LEV's. You may want to ask them if it is true that bicycles are not allowed to park their bicycles in the parking garage, next to the parking attendant's booth in the 3-4 floor (300+ spaces) car garage.

These are questions you may want to ask officials, at those right opportunities in time during the Santa Monica Leadership course at the Santa Monica Public Library.

Additionally, I have an idea, that may be very innovative, merit further review, and perhaps enhance bicycle parking security at the library (either where they have it now, or closer to the library entrance).

Why not add a "live webcam" pointed at the bicycle parking area, that can be accessed through the Santa Monica Library's web page?

The cyclists could, while doing their research and reading at the library, using the library's fantastic high speed, free, public, WIFI connection, keep a pop up window on their laptop or computer, showing a live video feed from the library's bicycle parking webcam.

And If you can't make it to the event you may also want to make a phone call over to the library director, or send them a fax, or mail them a letter. You can find more contact info at the Santa Monica Public Library website.

And you may want to CC: that letter to the Santa Monica City council, and the Santa Monica Library Board. You may also want to CC: the Sustainable City Task Force, Task Force For The Environment, and the Planning Commission.

BTW, a few of the members of the Planning commission has stated publicly at the Santa Monica Bicycle Workshop(listen to audio) that they want to hear from the public on how to make Santa Monica more bicycle friendly. And some of those commissioners have been spotted at Santa Monica Critical Mass rides on occasion.

In any case, you may enjoy the opportunity of attending this, sure to be informative, free, public, event. And you may have your own questions to raise and get answered to. This may be an excellent opportunity to get the answers.

And in some traditions, cycling advocates bring their bicycle and skating helmets in hand, and have them prominently displayed to show their support for bicycle facilities at events as such.

It is my understanding that the seating is limited for this event and the public is encouraged to reserve a space. You can find that info through the link up above by filling out their online form or calling 310-458-8301.

Although, it is also my understanding that sometime there are several no-shows, which opens up space for people to drop-in, if they did not have a chance to sign up in advance, or if they had not been able to get a reservation on one of the limited seats.

Related Posts:
- Electric Bicycle/Scooter public charging stations/parking

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum

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