Friday, May 12, 2006

Gas $4 In Westside

Cost of gasoline hits $4 per gallon (May 11, 2006) at Pico and Barrington gas station(Westside/West L.A.).

[see picture to right. Click on picture to enlarge]

Notice the billboard ad of a "Real estate Wealth Expo" with the face of a Donald Trump seemingly looking at the gas price sign and scouling, in the background.

Anyone have any good thoughts how to describe this scene and a play on what Donald Trump is thinking as he overlooks the gas prices sign?

How about, "Start riding your bicycle or... YOU'RE FIRED!"

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It's awesome blog post here.... really very interesting for reading..... I enjoyed it. Thanks for the share.... just keep posting such an informative articles, I want to know more about this topic.
