Thursday, August 24, 2006

E-Scooter Critical Mass

This is a video of an electric scooter ride, a la "critical mass" style, in the land where 'mass started, San Francisco.

Note, the guy driving the white scooter is "DeafScooter", the infamous electric scooter modifications guru, Craig Uyeda, who winds his own electric motors, and does other modifications to scooters so they can go up to 65 miles per hour. He modifies the brakes, suspension, tires, and other parts so that they are a bit safer at those higher speeds.

Film Maker's Video Description:
electric scooter gathering in san francisco 2002.
A little music video i put together of a gathering of electric scooter enthusiasts in san francisco in the summer of 2002. a good time was had by all.

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San Francisco Green Machines

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