Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Emanuel's Gift

Emmanuel's Gift (MOVIE TRAILER)(description below)

Video Description:
This true story will inspire and cause one to act unlike any other... a must see for not only every family, but every person who wishes to better themselves and pay respect to someone who changed the world...and become inspired to do anything they set their mind to. Rent, buy, and share this story today!

EMMANUEL'S GIFT A feature documentary by Lisa Lax and Nancy Stern. The true story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, a disabled athlete from Ghana Africa who rode a bicycle across his entire country with one leg. He became a national hero and has become a champion of the disabled for his country.

Related Posts:
- Amputees and Bikes

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum


  1. I saw his History and I think that we need more people like him because we are loosing our values and it's a good way to give them back.

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