Monday, November 20, 2006

Police Encouters

This is an excellent video, titled "Busted: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters" (45 minutes), produced by the Flex Your Rights Foundation, on how to protect and assert your rights during police encounters. It provides information on knowing your rights while at the same time being cordial with the police. It is narrated by Ira Glasser, the Executive Director, between 1978-2001, of the American Civil Liberties Union.

This video discusses how to handle three kinds of police encounters. One is when being stopped while driving a car, being stopped while waiting for a bus on the street, and the police coming to your home, It addressing your rights and provides information on how to assert your rights with the police in a lawful polite way. The narrator discusses, in some instances the rights may vary from state to state, and recommends that you contact your local ACLU office to find out what your rights are in you state. In the Santa Monica/Westside area, our local ACLU office is locate just west of downtown Los Angeles, California. There are also local chapters of the ACLU, with one covering the West L.A. area. The ACLU also has specialized chapters for particular minority groups. You can find out more about the chapters through the link to the ACLU.

The makers of this video give special thanks to the men and women in law enforcement who dedicate their careers and risk their lives to enforce the law while protecting the people and obeying the constitution.

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- UCLA Police Taser Student

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum

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