Saturday, December 09, 2006

AltCar Expo Rally 1

This video is a short pass through look at some of the vehicle that participated at the AltCar Expo on December 8, 2006. The vehicles assembed on the Santa Monica Pier. The rally of vehicles consisted of such vehicles as bicycle, human powereed and human power with electric assist, electric scooters, electric motorcycles (2 and 3 wheeled), micro cars (electric and high MPG gasoline powered), a human powered trike pedicab with electric motor assist, a biofueled diesel Taxi ("Euro Taxi" of Santa Monica), some hybrid gas/electric cars/tracks/vans, and assortment of kit car electric vehicles and other vehicles.

The rally/caravan of vehicles took a trip through Santa Monica, which included a pass by of the Santa Monica City Hall and civic center, Santa Monica College (on Pico blvd, and along Ocean Park Blvd (business park district. We rode passed at least three public parks, included Palisades park, Virginia Park, and Clover park.

The weather was sunny, blue sky (virtually no couds), with a moderat temperature of about 75 degree Farenheit.

The Rally ended at Parker hanger in Santa Monica Airport. Approximately over a hundred vehicles participated in the rally/carravan.

The FREE AltCar Expo is Saturday and Sunday (Dec 9 and 10, 2006). For more info on the growing list of speakers, keynotes, and demo ride opportunities see the AltCar Expo website.

BTW, if you you are considering attending the Los Angeles Auto Show that is happenning on Saturday and Sunday, as well, this author will be providing a report on the environementally friendly vehicle perspective of that show. And in the mean time, I would like to suggest that this author saw very little of interest at the LA Auto Show. However, there was a piece of swag that was kind of interesting. It was a light weight cloth material, soft, backpack kind of bag being given away for free, that could make a nice bag for carrying stuff when you bicycle to the grocery store. I will post a picture of the bag later.

See you at the AltCar Expo! (smile)

Here is the video taken during the AltCar Expo Rally/Caravan ride/roll:

Related Posts:
- AltCar Expo Rally/Caravan(video)

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