Saturday, December 02, 2006

Future Vehicles

Thanks to a CSM! reader for sending this roport(see below) to the CSM! blog editors. If you have and reports, questions, links, and/or pictures that you think other CSM! readers would like to see, send them in. Thanks.

PBS recently release this info(see below) about a film project they are working on. Perhaps we will see them at the AltCar Expo (Santa Monica, CA) Next week.

However, I have a strange sense that their visions will not include things such as bicycle, skates, or other invovative forms of transporation devices and vehicles.

However, thos guys from "Car Talk" and the visionaries behind the show "Car of the Future" may be inspired to modify the name of their show to "Vehicle of the Future". And vehicle, of choice, in the future may include alternatives to cars as vehicles of choice for transportation, entertainment, and pleasure.
e: Open Production

Get involved in the making of a NOVA program to air in the fall of 2007 on PBS.

For the next two weeks, NOVA will not be broadcast in most areas because of pledge programming. However, we wanted to take this opportunity to let you know about an exciting new project.

For the first time, NOVA has launched a Web site specifically to engage you, our audience, in the production of a documentary. The show will address a topic of concern to all of us: can we transition to a new breed of vehicles that relies less on oil and produces fewer greenhouse gases? NPR personalities Tom and Ray Magliozzi (a.k.a. the "Car Talk" Guys) will pepper the program with their unique brand of humor as they test-drive alternative vehicles, meet leading energy policy gurus, and more. The documentary will be shot and edited over the winter and spring of 2006-2007 and is tentatively slated to air in the fall of 2007.

As our production team embarks on shooting over the next few months, we'd like to hear from you. What questions would you ask of the experts we'll interview? What technologies would you like to see profiled? On the Web site, you can explore current plans for the program, submit your own ideas, and get updates as the production unfolds.

Here's what you'll find online:

Draft Script
This work in progress offers an overview of the program and a
sense of its style.

About the Producers
Read about the filmmakers charged with the task of turning a
complex topic into compelling TV.

Expert Participants
Learn about the various experts we plan to interview.

E-Mail Your Questions & Ideas
Send us your input, and you may win a free DVD of a recent
NOVA show.

Join the Discussion
Take part in a dialogue about the technologies and policies
needed to keep us movin' on down the road.

Audio Dispatches
Hear interview clips and reports from the field.

Related Links
Visit other Web sites to investigate the subject further.

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