Sunday, December 17, 2006

PBS Electric

PBS Now, David Brancaccio talks to Chris Paine, the director of "Who Killed The Electric Car?" and examines who did kill the electric car, why, and some details behind this story.

This story has a strong focus around California, and politics and spin, and economic motives.

Who Did kill the electric Car?

And has the movie "Who Killed The Electric Car?" brought this topic back into the spotlight of the community and politicians?

What's next?

Video Description:
Fri, 16 Jun 2006 18:00:00 EST 22:17 royalty relief, oil and gas companies, record-high gas prices, public property no Politicsm Who Killed the Electric Car? NOW with David Brancaccio Did car companies sabotage one of their most fuel efficient and environmentally-friendly products? Did car companies sabotage one of their most fuel efficient and environmentally-friendly products because it stood in the way of big profits? A new documentary by filmmaker Chris Paine charts the promising life and untimely death of the electric car, and lays blame at the door of some powerful suspects. NOW sits down with Paine to look under the hood of America's automotive and oil industries and uncover who really pulled the plug on electric cars, and why.

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