Monday, February 27, 2006

Bicycle Workshop

Dave Snyder, one of the pioneers of the San Francisco Critical Mass movement was the guest speaker at the Santa Monica Bicycle Workshop(Feb. 2005) You can download the audio file (35mb MP3 file). The audio clip is 45 minutes.


Note about recording quality:
first couple minute the recording is fair to poor, then the quality is much better throughout the end.

Also, check out the Santa Monica Bicycle Workshop web page on the City of Santa Monica's website.

If you want to hear Dave talk some more, listen to his interview on bikescape podcast. In that interview he talks about the history of bicycle advocacy and the birth of the world wide Critical Mass movement in San Francisco from the early 90's through 2005.

He also was interviewed for an article in the San Francisco Chronicle(1997).

You can also catch him on some video interviews on the "We Are Traffic", a documentary film about the history of Critical Mass in San Francisco. You can also download it or watch it online at Google Video.

Related Links:
- Santa Monica Critical Mass video(May 2006)

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
- Santa Monica/West L.A./Venice critical mass community forum


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. If you liked the bikescape podcast with Snyder, you might also like the talk with Chris Carlsson.

  3. Thanks for the tip Jon.

    Here is a hyperlinked version of the url
    Cycling and community - a conversation with Chris Carlsson

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