Sunday, February 26, 2006

SUV City

"SUV City, The Friendliest Place to Drive your Big SUV" is the slogan for a fairly new mockumentary film released in 2005.

"SUV City was inspired by sitting at Peet's Coffee in Santa Monica every morning and watching the parade of mammoth SUVs rolling by on their way to work or day care. I thought how totally ridiculous they look and had to find a way to mock them." says Michael Kelley, SUV City writer/director/producer. Kelley is also an avid cyclist.

I would like to point out that this film also illustrates the inequity played out on joggers, pedestrians who use the roads and sidewalks in SUV City (Santa Monica).

Its a hilarious film. And cyclists, skaters, and other peds will probably get a little giggle at the way this film ends.

You can watch it online or read more info
about it at the official SUV City website

Also, if you want a T-shirt with the SUV City logo or pictures, I found some available at
Cafe Express. They also apparently put the design on coffee mugs, calendars, baseball hats, and other misc items too.

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