Saturday, February 25, 2006

Dinosaur Spotting...

Nascar promotion exhibit spotted at 3rd Street Promenade last Wednesday. They were there during the time of the Farmers Market.

Ironically, they have the but end of the car adjacent to the but end of one of the dinosaur bushes at the Promenade.

Is it perhaps a symbol of two beasts that became extinct?

In the early days of Santa Monica's citihood, it was popular to race cars. See the book to the right, "Real Road Racing: Santa Monica Road Races".

You will see some shots taken between 1910-20, along roads like "Ocean Ave", "San Vicente", and "Wilshire". It was an 8.4 mile course.

You would think that some folks think they are still racing on those roads, even with the heavy traffic we see on those roads today.

Perhaps the Nascar display is a kind of an unintentional last hurrah and tribute to the next addition to the extinct in Santa Monica.


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