Friday, March 03, 2006

SFV Bike Culture

If you liked Urban Testing Ground's videos on Midnight Ridazz, you might enjoy taking a peek at the "Shot Callers Bike Club" video (16 mb QuickTime) they did. It is a little expose on a "low rider" bike club called "Shot Callers" in the SFV (San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, CA) .

The pictures to the right are of bikes from the crew of another "low rider" bike club called "West Side Impressions" based in Venice, CA. They were taken at the 100th Independence Day Parade(Venice, Calif - July 4, 2005). Member of the club were showing their bikes along with others after the parade at the Venice Circle. Check out the video clip "Riding the Venice Circle/Carousel"(2 mb AVI file - Hosted by the LA Indy Media Center). It is a short video clip of riders from the Santa Monica Critical Mass ride(May 2005) riding around the Venice Circle, with their lights blinking like a christmas tree at the twilight hour, accompanied by some choice music to fit the occassion.

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