Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Dry Ice Rocket

As can be seen in this video, dry ice is a form of stored energy.

The energy is in the difference between the tempurature of the "dry ice" and the water (room tempurature) that was added to with some dry ice to cause the dry ice to expand.

This expansion, perhaps, could be used as a form of "fuel" for air powered vehicles

For more videos and info on various air powered bicycles, cars, electric/compressed-air hybrid vehicles, see:
- Air Powered Bicycle
- Electic/Air hybrid bicycle
- Air Powered Jet Pack
- Electricity/Compressed air hybrid car

And if you want to be involved in the discussion of air powered vehicles, see the:
Air Powered Vehicles yahoogroup

Film Maker Video Description:
These dry ice bombs shot straight up in the air...very fast! Pretty tight. Add some dry-ice with some water in a normal pop bottle and wait a minute or so for it to explode.


  1. um, dude... would you mind posting the original video¡'s link in a comment....? There was now way that I could play it and I am really curious! Thank you for the consideration.

  2. Useful information ..I am very happy to read this article..thanks for giving us this useful information. Fantastic walk-through. I appreciate this post.

  3. Thank you for another fantastic posting. Where else could anyone get that kind of information in such a perfect way of writing? I have a speech next week, and I was looking for more info ;)
