Monday, August 28, 2006

Russian Power Boots

This is a Russian TV news report on the russian made "Power Boots", also known as "Seven League Boots", or "Quickwalker Boots", or "Saigak boots", which is the russian word for a kind of elk.

The boots were created by a russian scientist Viktor Gordeyev. Each boot includes a single diesel cylinder which is powered by diesel fuel.

The boots can also use biofuels, such as biodiesel, vegtable oil, SVO, waste vegtable oil (WVO).

The boots make it possible for the wearer to increase their running and walking speed up to 25 miles per hour or more.

The news report is in Russian language.

Related Posts:
- Rocket Boots
- Think Different
- Optimised Walking

Recommende Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
- Power-Assist community forum
- Air Powered Vehicles community forum

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