Friday, September 29, 2006

AltCarExpo Santa Monica

[NOTE: AltCar Expo Rally/Caravan Video is up. See HERE ]

Santa Monica recently announced to the public that it will be holding an "Alternative Car And Transportation Expo" in Santa Monica on December 9th and 10th at the Santa Monica Airport Barker Hanger. (see PDF Press Release dated 9/21/2006)

This expo is touted to shadow the annual Los Angeles Auto Show scheduled December 1-10th.

The Santa Monica Auto Show or "Alt Car Expo" will focus exclusively on high miles per gallon vehicles and other high efficiency and environmentally friendly vehicles. There will be alternative fueled vehicles as well, including all electric, such as the newly debuted Tesla Motors Roadster, which recently had their international show at Barker Hanger about a month ago. Many dignitaries showed up for that event including the Governor of California (see videos from the event)

At the AltCar Exp website there is information on how to exhibit at the show, info on seminars, pre-show events, lodging accomodations info, and directions and contact info for the show organisers and contacts.

And you can be sure that you will read more about this event on this blog.

Cycle Santa Monica!, bringing you information that empowers cyclists, skaters, and pedestrians in Santa Monica and the Westside, about using environmentally friendly vehicles and earth friendly renewable fuels.

Stay tuned. And if you have info on great stories, let me know.

Related Posts:
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Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica community forum
- Santa-Monica/West-L.A./Venice critical mass community forum
- Air Powered Vehicles community forum

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