Munich SolarParade
Ladies and Gentlemen, and everyone else, the folks from Munich Germany have raised the bar to new hieghts!
Very Nice!
They even had some electric / human powered hybrids from Switzerland, The TWikes.
Empowering Cyclists, Skaters, and Pedestrians -
In Santa Monica and the Westside
Using Environmentally Friendly Vehicles -
Using Earth Friendly Renewable Fuels
Ladies and Gentlemen, and everyone else, the folks from Munich Germany have raised the bar to new hieghts!
Very Nice!
They even had some electric / human powered hybrids from Switzerland, The TWikes.
Posted by
6:53 PM
This video appears to be of electric cars racing in the French Alps. The report is in French.
What is the reporter saying?
One of the cars is, I believe the "OSCAR", also known as the "Open Source Car".
Posted by
4:33 AM
WARNING: Kids, do not try this at home. It is very dangerous and can cause serious injury and even death!
I suppose you could say this is a kind of power assist skateboard.
Posted by
9:35 AM
(image from critical mass ride in Santa Monica 2005)
The "Ride Or Die" article in the Santa Monica Daily Press has generated a few letters to the editor(see letters below, SMDP, Feb. 22, 2007)
In both cases, they appear to be supportive of the mass bicycle ride.
However, one thing missing from the original article and the letters is that critical mass is most often referred to "organized co-incidence", meaning that everyone who attends is essentially a mass of one, that happens to be co-incidently gathering at a similar location. And that when each individual rides their bicycle, skates, wheelchair, their feet, or whatever they use for mobility, they are responsible for the direction they choose to go in.
The snaggy part of the critical mass rides are the corking of intersections, and the legality of doing so. It seems that some arguments have been presented that provide for legally corking intersections. It is often done, without permit (to my knowledge), by funeral processions.
And from what I understand, essentially anyone can join those funeral processions. And that the persons corking the intersections are not active law enforcement. They often are retired law enforcement, and sometimes not even retired law enforcement.
The corking allows for the smooth flow of the procession of vehicles to continue.
So it is possible to say that funeral processions are essentially a kind of critical mass of sorts.
I welcome feedback on this
Mass pedalers lack discipline
I am following the Critical Mass bike-a-thons story with interest, but your article on Feb. 20 (“Ride or die,” page 1) did little except rehash previously quoted CM participants and community members. I wonder what the opinions of the SMPD and city officials are. It has been my observation that Santa Monica requires permits whenever large groups of people plan to assemble in our parks and streets, as they frequently do. The assortment of parades, 10Ks, demonstrations and other local events which bring together hundreds of participants are usually well regulated and take a variety of measures to be responsible for the many traffic and safety issues that may come into play.
I have no objection to bicyclists, pedestrians, wheelchair users, skaters or any other alternative “mobilizers” using our streets and paths. But whenever a group wants to immobilize others’ use of our public thoroughfares by assembling large numbers of participants, they should make appropriate arrangements in advance to safeguard community interests and safety.
Critical Mass is, essentially, a rather bawdy and jubilant street demonstration in favor of non-motorized transportation. Cool! I absolutely support their right to demonstrate for their interests, but they should, in turn, acknowledge some accountability for their members’ actions — like using monitors, as any good demonstration does — and obeying basic rules of civil conduct. If they choose to ignore those responsibilities while making their bikers’ rights points, then I would think this may be an excellent opportunity for the SMPD to improve the city’s revenue once a month by issuing mass citations.
Alan Toy
Santa Monica
Article failed bike riders everywhere
(Re: “Ride or die,” Feb. 20, page 1)
I am very sorry about the poor quality of the Critical Mass piece in (the Daily Press’) recent issue. I feel you have become the mouthpiece of a poorly articulated anger against cyclists.
Rather than analyzing this diffuse anger, you have presented it in the manner of a prejudice on the first page.
To begin with, the illustration is exceedingly inappropriate and insulting, it catches nothing of the spirit of adventure and environmentally friendly transport combined with healthy exercise which characterizes these occasions. Just go there and have a look for yourself. The photograph is a sad reflection of your inability to understand what is going on at these occasions, or of your willful distortion of the truth. The title, “Ride or Die,” is just as poorly chosen.
You really have not understood what bicycles are about, and you have not even begun to put a question mark to the car culture which is bringing this planet to the ruin. Every cyclist is a Kyoto Saint. Instead, you have given voice to a few aggrieved drivers, whose polluting exhaust fumes we all have to breath in, and whose aggressive style of driving kills and hurts many pedestrians and cyclists. It is pathetic and entirely out of touch how you allow the car driver and gas burner to speak here as if they were entirely justified, entirely natural, entirely taken for granted.
This is 2007, not 1950 ! The position is pathetic, because out on the streets of Santa Monica, drivers everywhere feel they need to justify themselves — they buy dual fuel cars, they pay more for their gas, and they have to ask themselves if bloody wars are being fought around the world to satisfy their desire for more and more cheap gas.
I am commuting to UCLA on my bike and many of the participants of the Critical Mass rides will use their bike every day for the benefit of all: But you turn on them and give us a bad press as if we are monstrous growth which threatens the planet.
If we come together once a month to celebrate our responsibility and our understanding of the environment and all the gas we are not burning, then you might have the good grace and allow us a bit presence on the streets. We do it with joy, music, good will and some dressing up. It is, after all, in these occasions that we are able to encourage many more car drivers to join us on the cycle lane. And in the few interactions with drivers I have witnessed, I have seen understanding, humor and support, and nothing of the stale and stereotypical aggression you describe in your piece.
I am sorry, you have failed your assignment. Grade F.
Dr. Michael Cahn
Visiting Lecturer, Department of History, UCLA
Posted by
2:29 AM
The folks at Team Hybrid, allies to the electric bicycling community, based in the UK, have put out another superb video showing test ride of one of their e-bike creations.
This video includes an electric dash on the scree that show data, such as speed, volts, and some other things that is gathered by their on board computer.
I would like to know how they collected the data and how the information added to their video as a digital dashboard.
Also, it would be great to see a couple pictures of the bicycle and it's components, such as who makes them, their weight, and size. Thanks!
Posted by
10:13 PM
Our friends up at Bikescape posted an interesting video which illustrates how there can be confusion on roads that leads to cyclist injuries.
A quote from the article:
A woman gets hit (and nearly killed) by a truck making an illegal right turn onto a freeway ramp and San Francisco's cycling community mobilizes. Seventy people gathered last Friday for a rush hour protest demanding that the city re-engineer the intersection to make it safe for cyclists and pedestrians. Bikescape attends the demo at Market and Octavia and reports back with interviews and commentary.
Posted by
8:45 PM
This is a video from the touted world's first electric bike, (AKA Pedalecs) race, grand prix, rally.
Video Description:
Presteigne Electric Bike Rally 2006
Footage of the first Presteigne Electric Bike Rally held on 7th May 2006. The next event will be held on 13th May 2007.
Posted by
8:12 AM
This video has some great tips on how to bicycle commute using an electric bicycle. She includes low cost tips on riding at night, in un predictable raining environment. That includes reflective tape from the hardware store, seat covers using plastic shower cap, bicycle trailers (Bikes To Work) for shoping at the food co-op, etc.
Other related videos is the Video News report on the "Hybrid Bike" and "Electric Bikes in China"(video), "Electric Bikes in Vancouver"(video)
They also discuss recumbents and fully enclosed velomobiles.
She is riding a Giant Suede electric bicycle (e-bike), using a nickel metal hydride battery pack. Highly recommeded video for those interested in using an electric bicycle for their transportation/commuting needs.(28 minutes)
Video Description:
Peak Moment 40: Catch Sally Lovell's enthusiasm for her electric-assist bicycle. Her comprehensive primer covers bicycle types, battery recharging, practices and products for security, inclement weather, and road safety. Gotta love that trailer for hauling stuff!
Posted by
6:03 AM
Monkeys, Bears, and other animals riding their bicycle in a race.
Posted by
5:34 AM
Video Description:
In the fall of 2006, a group of odd-looking travelers cycled into Beijing on some very strange bicycles.
They were the Cyclowns, a travelling street circus and band that plays a very European-sounding mix of jazz and music tunes that they pick up on route from Turkey, through Georgia, Russia and Mongolia to Beijing.
in this episode of Danwei TV's Hard Hat Show, we talk to some of the people in this rag tag group of Bohemian street artists about their travels and their way of life.
You can find out more about the Cyclowns, including some very vague schedules of their next destinations, at
Posted by
5:18 AM
I want a "Tour De Fat" in Santa Monica!
It is also known as the "Tour De Fat Tire festival, sponsored by the Fat Tire Bicycle Brewery.
Description Discription:
Funky bikes at their best! The Tour de Fat is one of the craziest bike parades in the country. Sponsored by New Belgium Brewery, this event is all about self expression, custom bikes and fun. Nearly 2000 people dressed in costume, paraded through the streets of downdown Ft. Collins.
Posted by
4:40 AM
In this recent article in the Santa Monica Daily Press("Ride Or Die", by Melody Hanatani, February 20, 2007) there is discussion about critical mass riders following the rules of the road. What do you guy think, do critical mass riders follow the rules of the road? If so, explain. If not, explain what rules not obeyed? Any other comments about this article?
Ride Or Die
February 20, 2007
Santa Monica Daily Press
DOWNTOWN SM Once a month, they take to the streets more than a hundred strong in a show of solidarity. Their goal is to celebrate cycling and promote their rights to the road along with motorists.
To a growing number of peeved bystanders, the group of enthused cyclists known as the Critical Mass might be promoting bike riding as an alternative means of transportation, but it’s doing anything but promoting safe cycling practices.On the first Friday evening of the month, the group gathers near the Santa Monica Pier for a ride through the city’s streets, meandering through Santa Monica for up to two hours. Their route is not predetermined, the effort is norganized and there is no real pack leader.
To some, the rolling parade is nothing short of anarchy.
“The rules of the road state we are to ‘share the road,’ not impede innocent people with the inconveniences of their behavior,” wrote Steven Weller, of Venice, in a letter to the Daily Press.
Santa Monica resident Ellen Drury concurs, arguing that Critical Mass poses a threat to public safety. She calls the mobile mob “a bratty pack of bullies” and criticizes the Santa Monica Police Department for failing to enforce traffic laws on cyclists.
Under California law, bicyclists are subject to the same rules and regulations as motorists.More than one hundred bicyclists are killed in traffic-related collisions every year.
“They ignore traffic and public safety laws,” Drury said. “They menace drivers and pedestrians alike, and do so with a dangerously contagious sociopathy.”
Not so, according to Jon Michaels, the owner of Triathlete Zombie on Santa Monica Boulevard.Michaels has ridden with the group for the past two months and has not observed any illegal behavior by the cyclists.
“Riding is important to the city and it’s important to be visible,” Michaels said. “We need to get more attention on bicycle as a viable means of transportation.”
Critical condition
Critical Mass groups exist in cities around the globe and have crossed law enforcement authorities in the past. Their activities have been called a protest and members have been accused of intentionally disrupting traffic flow and impeding motorists.
In 2004, the New York Police Department arrested 33 Critical Mass cyclists for running red lights and other traffic violations.
Two Critical Mass cyclists in Seattle were arrested last summer for allegedly blocking an intersection in the city. The arrest incited claims of police brutality, as several of the plainclothes police officers were accused by Critical Mass of failing to identify themselves as police officers during the arrest, which resulted in a tussle between the cyclists and law enforcement.
In 1997, in the city where Critical Mass was founded five years prior, San Francisco Police arrested 250 cyclists for allegedly overflowing city streets and aggravating traffic.
“Critical Mass has reached critical mass,” then-Mayor Willie Brown was quoted as saying.
An occasional rider with Santa Monica Critical Mass, Andrew Smith believes the group needs to conduct its activities in a manner that promotes safe cycling. Smith, who owns Bike Attack on Main Street, believes the cyclists should abide by laws, ride in single file, use lights and wear helmets.
“It’s more of an issue of not disrupting the traffic flow,” Smith said. “Cars (also) need to be aware of cyclists and if you research California motor vehicle code, we are allowed to have a whole lane to ourselves.”
There are those cyclists who are “blatantly lawless,” but since Critical Mass is not an organized effort, there is really nothing that Beatty could do to control the crowd, Smith said.
“It organically grows into what it is,” said Smith.
But sometimes, doing everything right doesn’t necessarily mean an accident can be avoided. Four months ago, Bill Greenslade was riding his bike at night in Venice when he was struck by a car that ran through a stop sign. Greenslade, the manager of Sea Mist Skate and Bike Rental on Ocean Front Walk, injured his collarbone and was unable to get back on a bike until last week. Fortunately, that was the extent of his injury.
“I had an angel with me,” Greenslade said.
Today, Greenslade refuses to ride on the street and rides on the bike path from his home near the Venice Pier to work.
“I was thinking a couple of days after the accident that there was nothing I could’ve done to change (what happened),” Greenslade said. “Except not be there.”
Posted by
12:09 AM
This video show a bunch of guys demonstrating how skateboards can be used for transportation. And sometimes how they can be used as a musical instrument, a'la "Stomp".
Posted by
2:55 AM
In line with the series of posts on Ralp Nader, here is a Driver's Eduction film shown to new drivers in the days before Ralph Nader got auto makers to install seat belts and other things to make them safer. It is called "Signal 30, Part 1" (produced in 1959)
Video Description:
Legendary driver ed film showing gruesome aftermath of horrific crashes. Films like this were part of teenage folklore from the fifties through the seventies, back before kids got to see dead bodies on the internet all the time. This was the grandaddy of them all.
A facsinating and arcance piece of cultural history, from those pre-Ralph Nader days, when airbags didn't exist and seatbelt were considered optional. Still pretty shocking.
I got this off of, so it's presumably public domain.
Posted by
4:22 PM
This video show you how you can unlock a car door with a tennis ball.
It reminds me of the video and story on how you can unlock a Kryptonite U-Lock with a bic pen.
Reports on this technique indicate it only works with some types of car doors. I presume the technique may only work with car doors that have electric door locks of later model cars.
Posted by
12:48 PM
The creative folks at the San Fernando Valley Soapbox Federation(SFVISBF) have put out a new film for thie December Soapbox race (12/10/2006)
Posted by
11:56 AM
There is a new documentary on Ralph Nader(wiki) called "An Unreasonable Man"(wiki). And it is currently playing at NuArt Theatre 11272 Santa Monica Blvd, West Los Angeles, CA (MAP)
It is quoted in the movie that Bernard Shaw said:
The reasonable man adapts himself to the conditions that surround him... The unreasonable man adapts surrounding conditions to himself... All progress depends on the unreasonable man.
The film traces the life and career of Ralph Nader.With the help of exciting graphics, rare archival footage and over forty on-camera interviews conducted over the past two years, one of the most unique, important, and controversial political figures of our time is examined.
Posted by
2:19 PM
GNN talks Nader, as in Ralph Nader.
GNN=Guerilla News Network
(note: sometimes mispelled nadar.)
Posted by
1:27 PM
This is the beginning of a series of video, links, and other information about Ralph Nader, The Green Party, and related subjects.
I found this Nader for United States of America President video commerical(promotion/advertisement) very moving and a good opening for this series.(see video below)
If you have links to other good resources and other video please let me know what they are so that I may be able to include them in the series. Thanks.
"Grilled tenderloin for fundraiser: $1,000 a plate
Campaign ads filled with half truths $10 million
Promises to special interest groups $10 billion
Finding out the truth: priceless
There are some things money can't buy.
Without Ralph Nader in the Presidential debates
the truth will come in last. Find out how you can help.
Go to
Vote Ralph Nader for president."
Posted by
12:11 PM
Charlie Rose talking to people about Green Energy.
Posted by
4:27 AM
Film Screening and Q and A with Director, plus more(see below):
WHAT: FREE ENERGY: The Race To Zero Point
screening film "Free Energy: The Race To Zero Point". Plus, director of the film, Chris Toussaint (FreeSpirit Productions), will introduce the documentary and lead the discussion afterwards. Also, he brings with him the very latest film footage never seen before, to augment his original film.(SEE TRAILER for film below. Thanks Google Video!)
WHEN: February 9, 2007, @7:30pm(come early for food and drinks)
WHERE: CAFE BOLIVAR, 1741 Ocean Park Blvd, Santa Monica (NW corner of 18th & Ocean Park Blvd - MAP)(cafe phone: 310-581-2344)
(Note: Cafe Bolivar serves food and drinks. Come early and enjoy the food. Food service ends at 7:00 pm.)
COST: Suggested Donation: $5
INFO: Questions about event, call: 310-452-9681
Film Description:
An inspiring video on energy sources which can powerfully transform our world. The award-winning documentary "Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point" provides an examination of the leading theories and practical inventions that tap into "zero point energy"
- now acknowledged by quantum physicists to exist in all space as a potential source of infinite and accessible electromagnetic energy. Respected engineers and scientists explain in understandable terms how amazing new energy technologies and inventions can be used to solve the energy crisis on our planet.
Any one of these inventions could resolve the oil crisis if only given the proper attention and funding, yet certain vested interests stand to lose billions of dollars should these technologies succeed. How far will they go to suppress these breakthrough inventions?
Just what is "zero point"?
Posted by
12:30 PM
This is a news report by Channel 4's Colin Nolan reports. He interviews Michael Clark, Monica Howe, and Susan Handy, UC Davis. The report delves into safety issues for bicyclists on the streets of Los Angeles. It is also discussed how bicycle lanes can add safe alternatives for some cyclists.
I suppose Chris Ballish, who wrote "How To Live Well Without Owning A Car"(video link) may have some interesting things to say about this news report.
What do you guys think?
Posted by
11:11 AM
(proposed Apple Bicycle logo to the right. click on image to enlarge.)
Before the company "Apple" had finalized a name for thier new personal computer the Macintosh (aka "Mac"), the owners and managers at Apple had an aternative name to call it the "Bicycle" computer. (reference)
Had it worked out that Apple named their personal computer products "Bicycle", we may now be referring to our Macbooks as BikeBooks or Bike Pro's or Bike II Pros, or perhaps an iBikebook.
Or perhaps we might be listening to our favorite podcasts and MP3 on our Apple Bicycle iPod or Bike Video iPod, or the New and coming Bicycle iPhone.
(Note: Watch video of Steve Jobs talk about the bicycle - VIDEO LINK)
Here is an article on that (via):
By Andy Hertzfeld
April 1981Jef Raskin chose the name "Macintosh", after his favorite kind of apple, so when Jef was forced to go on an extended leave of absence in February 1981, Steve Jobs and Rod Holt decided to change the name of the project, partially to distance it from Jef. They considered "Macintosh" to be a code name anyway, and didn't want us to get too attached to it.
Apple had recently taken out a two page ad in Scientific American, featuring quotes from Steve Jobs about the wonders of personal computers. The ad explained how humans were not as fast runners as many other species, but a human on a bicycle beat them all. Personal computers were "bicycles for the mind."
A month or so after Jef's departure, Rod Holt announced to the small design team that the new code name for the project was "Bicycle", and that we should change all references to "Macintosh" to "Bicycle". When we objected, thinking "Bicycle" was a silly name, Rod thought that it shouldn't matter, "since it was only a code name".
Rod's edict was never obeyed. Somehow, Macintosh just seemed right. It was already ingrained with the team, and the "Bicycle" name seemed forced and inappropriate, so no one but Rod ever called it "Bicycle". For a few weeks, Rod would reprimand anyone who called it "Macintosh" in his presence, but the new name never acquired any momentum. Finally, around a month after his original order, after someone called it "Macintosh" again, he threw up his hands in exasperation and told us, "I give up! You can call it Macintosh if you want. It's only a code name, anyway."
But it was a code name that proved to be sturdy and resilient. In the Fall of 1982, Apple paid tens of thousands of dollars to a marketing consulting firm to come up with a themed set of names for Lisa and Macintosh. They came up with lots of ideas, including calling the Mac the "Apple 40" or the "Apple Allegro". After hearing all the suggestions, Steve and the marketing team decided to go with Lisa and Macintosh as the official names. They did manage to reverse engineer an acronym for Lisa, "Local Integrated Systems Architecture", but internally we preferred the recursive "Lisa: Invented Stupid Acronym", or something like that. Macintosh seemed to be acroynm proof.
But there was still a final hurdle to clear - the name was too close to a trademark from the McIntosh stereo company. I'm not sure how the situation was resolved (I suspect that Apple paid them a modest amount), but toward the end of the retreat in January 1983, Steve announced to the team that we had gotten rights to use the name. He dashed a champagne bottle against one of the prototypes, and declared, "I christen thee Macintosh!"
Posted by
8:22 AM
It appears that the City of Santa Monica is continuing to warm up to the attibutes of the bicycle and is making efforts to promote it's use.
The City of Santa Monica hosts an annual event in Santa Monica called the Santa Monica Festival. And in most years past this event is kicked off with a parade which usually has consisted of various community groups, schools, and others walking from one of the local Santa Monica schools to Clover Park. The folks in the parade often dress in costumes. Some are playing musical instruments of various sorts. Some are dancing, etc.
This year the organizers of the Santa Monica Festival have decided to make the theme of this year's Santa Monica Festival (2007) into a Bicycle parade as primary focus, in addition to an element of participants afoot.
Here is what you can see at the Santa Monica Festival 2007 main page(via LINK):
Biking at the 2007 Festival
The Santa Monica Festival 2007 will serve as the kickoff date for the new Santa Monica Active Living campaign, Bike Santa Monica. People wishing to ride their bikes to the festival will not only avoid the hassle of parking but will also be provided with a free valet service where you can safely leave your bicycle and attend the Festival knowing that your bike will be secure in a convenient location. Be sure to visit the Active Living Booth to pick up a new biking map for Santa Monica and other biking information.
Bikers are also invited to join in on the Festival Bicycle Parade to Clover Park on the morning of the 20th. Cyclists will meet at Grant Elementary School, 2368 Pearl Street between 8:00 and 9:30 am. A local artist will lead a workshop to create decorative flags and other items for bikes and helmets. At 9:30, all bikers will gather for a bike parade to the park under the guidance of officers from the Santa Monica Police Department who will point out tips for safe biking on city streets along the way. Participants must register and sign waiver forms on site and please, no children without adult supervision. Registration forms will also be available in the special Santa Monica Festival issue of SeaScape, the city's quarterly newsletter, which will be distributed in the first week of May.
Parking and Transportation
Clover Park is located at 2600 Ocean Park Blvd., between Cloverfield Blvd. and 28th Street. Free and ample parking is available, but festival goers are encouraged to take public transportation, bicycle or walk.
Santa Monica's Big Blue Bus line #8 serves Clover Park.
Clover Park is wheelchair accessible. For assistance with accessibility accommodations, contact the Cultural Affairs Division at (310) 458-8350; TTY (310) 458-8696; or For more Festival info, visit All events are free and scheduled rain or shine.
What I am curious about is what ever happened to "Walk Santa Monica" and the cities community contest to find the best places to walk in Santa Monica, that was held last year. As of to date, I have received no word on which walking routes won.
In any case, this bicycle parade and bicycle decorating workshop may be interesting.
I welcom your feedback.
Posted by
4:56 PM
The Santa Monica Public Library is hosting the screening a series of film as part of their "Sustainable Cinema" program. Coming up February 7, 2007 at 7pm is "Who Killed The Electric Car?"(wiki). For more info on other films and events at the Samta Monica Library see their web based calendar.
Posted by
3:09 PM
This video is from what appears to be a critical mass bicycle ride in Paris France(September 22, 2006).
It appears that several call put in a paddy wagon.
At the end of the video the group is chanting something. Please comment what you think they are saying(English translation). Thanks.
Also, what makes this video interesting is that variety and diversity of bicycles and other vehicles of the participants, such as inline skaters, and bicycles with electric assist(e-bikes). And as usual, the French again show their flair for fashion, even at bicycle rides, with colorfully desgiged flags, clothing, and bicycles.
Video Description:"Manif à vélo qu'on a fini tard la nuit pour récupérer nos vélos qu'étaient emprisonnés. Amitiés à tous les vélorutionnaires."(French)
"Manif with bicycle which one finished late the night to recover our bicycles that were imprisoned. Friendships with all vélorutionnaires."(English translation)
Posted by
10:06 AM
Sing it Michael!
Michael Jackson singing "Earth Song".
If you would like to sing along with Michael, the lyrics are down below.
By Michael Jackson
What about sunrise
What about rain
What about all the things
That you said we were to gain.. .
What about killing fields
Is there a time
What about all the things
That you said was yours and mine...
Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we've shed before
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores?
Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah
What have we done to the world
Look what we've done
What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son...
What about flowering fields
Is there a time
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine...
Did you ever stop to notice
All the children dead from war
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaah
I used to dream
I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don't know where we are
Although I know we've drifted far
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah
Hey, what about yesterday
(What about us)
What about the seas
(What about us)
The heavens are falling down
(What about us)
I can't even breathe
(What about us)
What about the bleeding Earth
(What about us)
Can't we feel its wounds
(What about us)
What about nature's worth
It's our planet's womb
(What about us)
What about animals
(What about it)
We've turned kingdoms to dust
(What about us)
What about elephants
(What about us)
Have we lost their trust
(What about us)
What about crying whales
(What about us)
We're ravaging the seas
(What about us)
What about forest trails
(ooo, ooo)
Burnt despite our pleas
(What about us)
What about the holy land
(What about it)
Torn apart by creed
(What about us)
What about the common man
(What about us)
Can't we set him free
(What about us)
What about children dying
(What about us)
Can't you hear them cry
(What about us)
Where did we go wrong
(ooo, ooo)
Someone tell me why
(What about us)
What about babies
(What about it)
What about the days
(What about us)
What about all their joy
(What about us)
What about the man
(What about us)
What about the crying man
(What about us)
What about Abraham
(What was us)
What about death again
(ooo, ooo)
Do we give a damn
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah
Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
Posted by
9:21 AM
Schwarzenegger speaks on Global Warming at State of California address January 9, 2007.
Posted by
8:51 AM
A littel public speaking at the critical mass bicycle ride in Paris France (November 4, 2006).
Posted by
8:46 AM
(Duration: 39:10, Taken: 17 December 2006, Location: United States)
This video is about how a GLOBAL WARMING COVER UP has been underway in America.
You can read the related article dated June 1, 2006 here called:
Climate Chaos: Bush's Climate of Fear
Thank goodness for BBC and the internet. Many in the USA are not seeing or hearing much of this on their media at all. (this video seems to explain why)
After watching this video, one realizes a very dangerous, horrible "cover-up" regarding Global Warming, and is it too late to do anything about it?
You can download this video in .wmv format - 98 megs here:
(click SKIP THIS AD to download)
Another related article that ALSO mentions EXXON dated Dec 7th, 2006 called:
"Exxon Spends Millions to Cast Doubt on Warming"
Another bit of news reported from BBC News dated Dec 12 2006 here called
Arctic Warning - Polar Ice Caps
Hmmm, are we seeing a pattern here ?!
Other recent articles:
USGS Scientists Object To Stricter Review Rules
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 14, 2006
White House Tightens Publishing Rules for USGS Scientists
By John Heilprin
Associated Press
posted: 14 December 2006
Scientists Say White House Muzzled Them
By John Heilprin
Associated Press
posted: 02 November 2006
White House Said to Block Climate Study
By Randolph E. Schmid
Associated Press
posted: 26 September 2006
After watching this video, I wonder WHO REALLY KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR??
See interview here:
>>>UPDATE January 4, 2007
Alaska natives left out in the cold
Read full article here:
Alaska is part of the USA. WHY ISN'T the US MEDIA covering this story ? Why do I only find this news on BBC?! Oh thats right, the White House "controls" what is reported in the US.
"Tip of the Iceburg" LATimes article dated
Jan 8, 2006
Don't wait to save the polar bear
We have to act quickly to stop the species from becoming a casualty of global warming.
(copy & paste full URL into browser),0,2035118.story?coll=la-opinion-underdog
January 10th, 2007
NASA Scientist Urges Action on Warming
(copy & paste entire link)
U.S. is still in denial over global warming!!!
January 12, 2007
Heads up! If you liked "March of the Penguins", but saw nothing regarding how "climate change" is affecting them, I suggest you see:
"Emperors of the Ice"
See "Emperors of the Ice (preview) " here:
This video originally was broadcast on PBS in Dec 2006 and will be playing again several times in Jan. 2007:
See here for dates and times:
Scripps Scientists Investigate Climate Change from Penguins' Point of View
National Geographic's 'Emperors of the Ice'
AN excellent review on "Emperors of the Ice" with research links on the subject found here:
Posted by
7:55 AM
This is one of many creative and entertaining messages on "global warming" that I have seen. It includes some humor and a message in an artistic way. Perhaps the message is different for different people. What do you think the message is, from your perspective?
Posted by
7:46 AM
Part 2 in a two part video documentary titled "Are We Changing Planet Earth?"(LINK Part 1)
David Attenborough explores just how much climate change is altering our planet. He looks ahead to find out what needs to be done to save Planet Earth from the worst impact of global warming and discovers what could happen to the planet once a 'tipping point' of carbon emissions is reached. He also discusses the solutions we can all adopt to prevent catastrophic change.
(Duration: 29:51 Taken: 04 June 2006 Location: United Kingdom)
Posted by
6:54 AM
Part 1 of a two part video "Are We Changing Planet Earth?"(Link Part 2)
David Attenborough explores just how much climate change is altering our planet. He looks ahead to find out what needs to be done to save Planet Earth from the worst impact of global warming and discovers what could happen to the planet once a 'tipping point' of carbon emissions is reached. He also discusses the solutions we can all adopt to prevent catastrophic change.
(Duration: 29:04, Taken: 04 June 2006, Location: United Kingdom)
Posted by
6:52 AM
In a recent post I showed a new comercial called "It's Not Too Late" showing a kid talking about their concern about the environment to adults.
Here is another commercial made by kids talking about what they are doing to improve the environment. This one was also featured on Climate Code".
Video Description:Fourth and fifth graders explain why they started a recycling program at The Park School in Brookline, MA. These interviews were filmed for The Weather Channel's "Climate Code" show and some were shown to a national audience!
Here is another kids video which shows the creativity of kids working on environmental issues and having fun doing it.
Video Description:kids having fun, recycling junk into speed machines and weapons, such as from old wood, chairs, etc.
Posted by
4:48 PM
These car/bicycles (velomobiles) are amazing.(see video below)
This is the first lap of the 2005 Energy Breakthrough.
Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
Posted by
1:50 PM
This is a video taken while riding a recumbent bicycle in the streets of central Paris, France.(2 parts)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Posted by
1:45 PM
If bicycles had access to the 10 freeway, it may be possible to get from downtown Santa Monica to downtown Los Angeles ( about 11 miles) in about 8 minutes. Yes folks, that is correct, EIGHT minutes. As a matter of fact it could be possible to go so fast on the 10 freeway, that a bicylists could get a ticket for going over the speed limit.
Here is a video of what it might look like from inside a velomobile powered only by your legs. This video is taken on about twelve(12) mile portion of a highway near a town called Battle Mountain, in September 2006. The bicyclist is Freddy Markham. And he clocked himself at 78 miles per hour.
Posted by
1:13 PM
You guys have probably read about several people touting that they have rode their bicycles around the world. In most cases these cyclists admit that they don't bicycle arcross oceans.
Well, This may be a way for one of those around the world bicycles to get across oceans by pedal power.(see two videos below)
Video Descriptions(French):Essai du dirigeable à propulsion humaine Zeppy, gonflé à l'hélium et propulsé et dirigé par des hélices en carbone. Stéphane Rousson, pilote du Zeppy, projette de traversée la Manche en 2007.
Posted by
12:51 PM
Video Description:Vu Ăƒ Interlaken lors de la derniĂƒ¨re manche du championnat de VPH suisse cet engin monoroue plus stable qu'il n'y parait au premier abord.
Posted by
12:46 PM
"It's Not Too Late"
NOTE: also see "Kids Talking..."
Climate change is changing our world. Within the lifetimes of children being born today, it may challenge our survival as a species.
The Earth is hotter than it has been for at least one thousand years. By the end of this century, if current trends continue, the temperature will likely climb higher than it's been at any time in the past two million years. The consequences of this drastic rise, caused by burning fossil fuels, are likely to be catastrophic: mass extinctions, droughts, hundreds of millions of refugees ...
Posted by
12:03 PM
Steve Jobs the Founder of Apple, the maker of Macintosh computers talking about bicycles...
Video Description:
Memory & Imagination: New Pathways to the Library of Congress - Documentary available on DVD - - Clip Authorized by MLF - Michael Lawrence Films
Here is what Steve Jobs said:
"I think one of the things that really separates us from the high primates is that we're tool builders. I read a study that measured the efficiency of locomotion for various species on the planet. The condor used the least energy to move a kilometer. And, humans came in with a rather unimpressive showing, about a third of the way down the list. It was not too proud a showing for the crown of creation. So, that didn't look so good. But, then somebody at Scientific American had the insight to test the efficiency of locomotion for a man on a bicycle. And, a man on a bicycle, a human on a bicycle, blew the condor away, completely off the top of the charts.
"And that's what a computer is to me. What a computer is to me is it's the most remarkable tool that we've ever come up with, and it's the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.”
Posted by
6:17 AM
The stunts and bicycle on this commercial would make for itneresting scenes on a future "James Bond 007" film.
Posted by
6:09 AM
Chinese Traffic Lights. They include animated pedestrians and bicycles using LED lights. Nice!
Posted by
6:06 AM
This is episode 3 of 11, of a Japanese TV series called "Summer Snow". It is a story revolving around people and a bicycle shop. It is in Japanese and captioned in English.
Posted by
5:39 AM
This is the first episode of a Japanese TV series called "Summer Snow". The show revolves around a bicycle shop. It is in Japanese language with english captioning. Approximately 46 minutes in length.
A love story between a young man who has been forced to grow up too quickly, and a young woman with an ailment that has placed restrictions on her life. Natsuo (Domoto Tsuyoshi) has been looking after his younger brother and sister since the death of their parents. He has also been running the family bicycle shop. Yuki (Hirosue Ryoko) becomes the only person in the world in whom he can confide. For Yuki, Natsuo becomes the catalyst that has her trying to break out of her cocoon.
Posted by
3:53 AM
This video shows a guy (partial leg amputee) with wearing a special partial prosthetic which allows him to ride a bicycle.
Posted by
3:20 AM
This is wild... a kind of escaltor up hills for bicycles...
It is reported to be the first of it's kind in the world and developed by "Design Management AS"
It is located in Trondheim Norway.
Posted by
2:54 AM
Labels: escalater elevator elevater escalator electric assist e-bike electricity
Record setting, x-treme wheelchair trick riding, including first successfull back flip riding a wheelchair. Wild!
Maybe we may see wheelchair riding as an Olympic athletic competion.
Video Description:Footage of Aaron Fotherinham doing some pretty sweet tricks in his wheelchair. He also performs the worlds first wheelchair backflip. Video found on
Posted by
1:00 AM
Some people have said that media can shape public and convey an image that people want to emulate. And that possessing the product or doing the action being glamorized will cause people to want that product. And having that product will give them the feeling that that was induced by the story telling that glamorized that product.
Here is one example of how Harley Davidson motorcycles are glamorized. In this commercial they blend sexuality, higher social standing ("Respect"), and the feelings linked to it, with the Harley Davidson motorcycles.
Posted by
12:34 AM