Monday, June 11, 2007

AltCar Addiction

AltCar Expo Seminar: "How We Became Addicted To Oil& How To Break The Addiction Right Now"(see video below). In this seminar, Edwin Black discusses information in his book "Internal Combustion", such as the history of energy monopoly's and transportation monopoly's. Those include electric car and bicycle monopolies. He spoke of a guy who controlled the production and sale of bicycles through the use of patents, in the late 1800's. He spoke of how monopolists would threaten lawsuits to companies that manufactured, sold, and even the cutomer that would buy electric cars and bicycles.

The seminar starts with the short video promo for the book "Internal Combustion"(Link). You can also find more info on him and his book at:

Film Maker Description:
The Auto Channel presents complete coverage of the ALT CAR EXPO held December 9-10 2006 in Santa Monica, CA. In this speaker session Edwin Black discusses his latest book, "Internal Combustion," which connects the dots of greed and deception that he says has governed energy from ancient times to the present, and that threaten to destroy our future.

Other AltCar Seminars(videos):
- "Panel Discussion/Debate on Alt Fuels/Vehicles"
- "Alt Fuels 101"
- "Ending Our Oil Addiction"
- "Alt Vehicles, Today and Tomorrow"
- "How We Became Addicted To Oil & Break Addiction Now"
- "Where Are The Monorails?"

Related Posts:
- AltCar Rally(video)
- MoonBeem (100 MPG vehicle - video news report)

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum

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