Monday, June 11, 2007

AltCar AltFuels 101

AltCar Expo Seminar: "Alt Fuels 101"

Film Maker Description:
The Auto Channel presents complete coverage of the ALT CAR EXPO held December 9-10 2006 in Santa Monica, CA. In this speaker session, Professor John Frala provides an excellent overview of alternative fuels and technologies that are available today.

Other AltCar Seminars(videos):
- "Panel Discussion/Debate on Alt Fuels/Vehicles"
- "Alt Fuels 101"
- "Ending Our Oil Addiction"
- "Alt Vehicles, Today and Tomorrow"
- "How We Became Addicted To Oil & Break Addiction Now"
- "Where Are The Monorails?"

Related Posts:
- AltCar Rally(video)
- MoonBeem (100 MPG vehicle - video news report)

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum

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