Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bike Happenning

In SLO (AKA San Luis Obispo, CA), they have a critical mass of sorts. It could even be called a "midnight ridazz" of sorts.
What may appear to be a crowd of crazed, out of control cyclists is actually an organized group of law abiding bike enthusiasts.

However, up in SLO, what I consider the current reigning champ in bicycle friendliness in California, they call it their monthly "Bike Happening".

In this video taken from the winter holiday "Bike Happenning", you see two, three, and four wheel (I think), human powered bikes all decked out with color, twinkly
"We're not a protest, we're a seduction. We want you to have some fun and come and join us. We obey the laws and we stay in close touch with the police and we do whatever they ask for all these years and we just have a really good time," said SLO Bike Happening Founder Mark Grayson.

lights, and festive mood of a wonderland. And this wonderland, in addition to being an opportunity to experience some holiday cheer on these two wheeled human powered contraptions, it was an opportunity for the spectating public to have a sensous helping watching them go by.

This kind of ride could be alot of fun for the December Mass ride in Santa Monica (smile). Perhaps could end up at some place in downtown Santa Monica for some Hot Apple Cider, Egg Nogg, and other delicious things.

Bike Happening: Hundreds of crazed cyclists cruise Farmer's Market streets
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Reported by: Stacy Daniel

If you've been to the San Luis Obispo Farmer's Market you may have noticed an eccentric group of bicyclists cruising around town.

Have you ever wondered what they are doing or where they are going?

Those riders are people taking part in what is called a Bike Happening.

And it happens here the first Thursday of every month.
We caught up with some of the riders to see what it is all about.

What may appear to be a crowd of crazed, out of control cyclists is actually an organized group of law abiding bike enthusiasts.

They are all part of the San Luis Obispo Bike Happening.

It started in June of 2000, as a small group of friends going out for a fun bike ride through downtown San Luis Obispo.

Seven years later, organizers said it is still just a group of friends riding their bikes through downtown. It is just that the number of friends along for the ride has more than doubled.

Anywhere from 300 to 600 people show up to be part of the Bike Happening.

Every month they have a theme. This month's is orange.

Riders are encouraged to dress up, the crazier the costume the better.

Riders want people to know, it is more of a party than a protest.

"We're not a protest, we're a seduction. We want you to have some fun and come and join us. We obey the laws and we stay in close touch with the police and we do whatever they ask for all these years and we just have a really good time," said SLO Bike Happening Founder Mark Grayson.

The happening is not an organized event, it is just people getting together the first Thursday of the month to go for a ride.

If you can't find a bike or don't have one, one will be provided for you.

Organizers hope that by showing people that riding is fun, more people will leave their cars behind and hop on a bike.

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