Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sharing The Road

SLO has put their "Share The Road" public awareness videos on Youtube.

In this first one, it was video taped back in February and March 2007. It has several clips from their, then new, first "Bicycle Blvd" in San Luis Obispo, CA.

These other two are interesting examples of politeness that I have experienced by both cyclists and motorists in SLO.

In this video, the cyclists is the then current director of the SLO Bicycle Coalition.

This video shows how cyclists riding two abreast provide room to a passing motorist. In the video it show the cyclist having a rear view mirror. It might be interesting if cars came with a horn variation which makes the sound of a bicycle bell, which can be more pleasent (less jarring for cyclists), to indicate that they are behind and are wanting to pass.

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