Thursday, November 01, 2007

Wike Wicycle

This video is of what appears to be a micro electric car, dubbed the "Wike" or "Wicycle"(see ). It appears that they created this from the body/frame of a bicycle trailer. Kind of interesting concept. It appears to be powered by two electric hub motors mounted in the rear wheels.

What makes this even more interesting, is that you could actually tow this micro car with a bicycle. Hmmm.....

It also looks like the Moonbeam micro car

Video description:
A very small electric vehicle built by WIKE (makers of bicycle trailers). I am not sure if this is the "Electric Sun" model as profiled on the "Weird Wheels" TV program, but it certainly looks like it.


  1. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Great alternative i think

  2. I think that I would reacted so weird if I were watching it because everybody thought at first moment that there's a baby inside.

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