Thursday, August 31, 2006

Batman on Ebikes

(click on image to enlarge)

Batman and Robin, the caped crusaders in the metropolis Santa Monica, have gotten an urgent call from the Mayor of Santa Monica on the "Batphone", the hotline the mayor uses to get help from Batman when the city is in danger...

Holy electrified wheels, Batman! The City of Santa Cruz is offering a FREE Electric Bicycles Rebates ($375) to anyone who wants an electric bicycle in the city through their Electric Bike Program!
What is the City of Santa Monica going to do to keep up with those high falutting, greens and tofu eating, clean air breathing people? We have a reputation to protect in the greatest city on earth.
Does the Mayor of Santa Monica know about this yet, Batmam?
Robin, the Mayor called me on the batphone this morning. He's gone berzerk. He read about it today, in his daily briefings of the Cycle Santa Monica! blog and he says this is outrageous.
He says the City of Santa Monica will have to get ebikes for everyone in Santa Monica that wants one, pronto.
He wants our help. And he wants us to put this as our top priority.
Holy Cranks of Titanium! We have to do something Batman. What are we going to do?
I have a plan...

Related Posts
- Ebike San Francisco
- 72 volt Electric Bicycle
- Electric Bikes in China (documentary)
- Ebike Public Charging Station

Recomended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
- Power-Assist community forum
- E-Motor-Assist community forum
- Air-Powered-Vehicles community forum
- Santa-Monica/West-L.A./Venice critical mass community forum

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Join Critical Mass 1st Friday of every month.
