Thursday, April 02, 2009

Surfing the Waste

This is part of what is becoming a series on the bike riding urban harvesters (AKA "dumpster divers" or "Freegans") This Documentary is called "Surfing the Waste: A Musical Documentary About Dumpster Diving". It's about 19 minutes long. Here is the description:
"Follow a group of dumpster divers on a musical journey through the back alleys of Montreal. Between song and dance routines about waste and the joys of reusing other people's garbage, five young adults discuss the philosophy of living off society's excess. Going through other people's garbage provides these young Montrealers with food, furniture, clothing and luxury items they could never afford if they had to buy them. For more info"

See more on CitizenShift

Related Posts:
- Skipping Waste documentary
- Ready, Set, Skip documentary


  1. I suppose that by reusing resources destined for the landfill, dumpster diving becomes an environmentalist endeavor and is thus practiced by many pro-green communities.

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