Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Bicycle Workshop

Santa Monica Bicycle Workshop
February 2005
Key Note Speaker Ryan Snyder
followed by group presentations and questions and answers
45 minutes.
(see more info on other interviews with Ryan Snyder)

In this workshop Ryan talked about various actions taken by the bicycling community in San Francisco and the government to make San Francisco more bicycle friendly to people of all ages from "9-99". He discussed how they organized a bicycle coalition, began the world wide phenomena of "critical mass" bicycle rides as the result of an Earth Day bicycle ride. He discussed how critical mass rides have been helpful in achieving a more bicycle friendly San Francisco. He discussed how it is helpfull to many bicyclists that may be more "fragile", such as very young, elderly, and disabled, to have segragated bicycle lanes and bicycle paths. He discussed how some cities paint bicycle lanes a special color to better distinguish them for motorists, especiall around intersections or other areas where their may be confusion (see: BikeBoy video which shows the asphalt of bike lanes in Holland that has red pigment added to it to distinguish it from the other lanes.

The attendees thanked the Santa Monica staff for having the workshop, and asked for more bicycle workshops in the City of Santa Monica.

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