Wednesday, August 09, 2006

South Bay Energy Fair

South Bay Energy Fair
Opening speech and Panel Discussion
(1 hour 29 minutes)

(NOTE: for more info or to download the audio file go to )

WHEN: May 20, 2006
WHAT: Opening Presentation and Panel discussion.
WHEREE: Pacific Unitarian Church in Rancho Palos Verdes California.
HOST: The South Bay Energy Fair was hosted by the Environmental Priorities Network(EPN).
EPN Contat: Lillian Light, phone 310-545-1384, email:

Panel List:
Sierra Club -
ABC Solar - Brad Barts
South Bay Energy Conservation Center - Marilyn Lyon
Worldwide Energy Efficiency consultant - Paul Ostro

folowed by questions and answers.

Paul Ostro spoke of an ethynal co-op.

If you enjoyed this you may enjoy watching the video news report from the
Renewable Energy & Sustainable Living Fair (Custer Wisconsin - July 2006)

Related Posts:
- Kill-A-Watt review
- Renewable Energy Fair
- Santa Monica Energy Independent

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
- Friends of Co-opportunity community forum
- Freecycle Santa Monica community forum

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